Thursday, February 28, 2013

I've Moved!

Hello to all my Dragonfly friends and followers!
I've moved over to Word Press, so please join and follow me there... my new address is

I just put up a new post... another in my Garden Plot Seriers..

Serendipity Discovered, My Banister Garden and Butternut Squash and Bacon Quiche

As you stroll through my garden's you'll notice many unusual things sprinkled here and there... peaking out of a cluster of tulips or bowing over a rash planting of zinnias... Friends say that I have a flair for mixing my passion for plants and garden junque, marrying them together into welcoming and intriguing garden rooms. As I place these abandoned and unappreciated objects throughout my gardens it allows me to express my passions using my innate creativity.

Recycling things that no one else wants is something I enjoy doing... I can see the 'practical' and artistic use of an old fashioned metal canner... a rusty old wagon wheel...

see you there... and please let me know how you like my new look!
Happy Day,

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