I love photographing my gardens, both veggie and flower. I take photos of them at each stage so I know what I need to fill in, get rid of, thin out or re-do. As I page through my garden journals, it is so interesting to see how the beds have matured, changed and been redone over time. To be able to go back and see each season and where I need to add, thin out or add an element to hard scapeing an area helps in future planning & budgeting. I always think that I need more in the spring, for some reason I have never been able to be satisfied with my spring garden's. Shall I say they are always a work in progress~ slow, steady progress! I use an Idea Notebook as one way to keep track of all the wonderful idea's I see as I drive past a lovely yard or see something 'neatsy' at a greenhouse/nursery. I keep this in my purse so I can simply take it out and jot down the idea. I also like to keep my camera along with me so I can photograph anything of interest. This is how my mailbox came to be. I had driven past this super cute mailbox that had bird houses hand painted on it. I took some photographs, bought a new mail box, a really big one, and replicated the images onto my own. Now I too have a super cute mailbox! I am too forgetful to remember everything I like and would like to eventually do. I love my gardening magazines and often find all sorts of neat ideas that I would like to do. I don't like ripping pages out of them so I will either photocopy them and then tape them in my idea notebook or journal. Be sure to include magazine name, page number and date in which the idea/article was in!
Remembrance Shadow Boxes are a beautiful heirloom for oneself or to give as a gift. My dear mother in the Lord made one of these in memory of each of her parents after they passed away. She purchased the shadow boxes at a big box hobby store and then created what I believe are heirloom treasures. They are done very scrapbook'ish with pretty paper on the back, almost looking like wall paper. Then she incorporated several meaningful items in each that represented each parent. The memorabilia are tacked onto the 'wall' with adhesive tape or small pins. Each contains their reading glasses, a photograph and several other items that. So easy and yet simply stunning!
No table is quite done without a centerpiece. It creates a finished and homey atmosphere to the room. Whether it is a vase filled with in season flowers, a rooster statue, a candelabra or a bowl filled with fruit, it sets the stage to an inviting feeling. Edible plants are one way to create something very special. To create a lovely Edible Centerpiece you first will need a container that you can set in the center~ indoor or out. This can be a large, shallow Terra cotta or clay pot, an old fashioned wooden toolbox, an old drawer lined with plastic or a wicker basket lined with plastic so the dirt won't flow out- the key is that there is proper drainage and that you have it resting in a container to catch water- especially if inside. Personally I think these are most special on a patio or picnic table for outdoor enjoyment.
Here are a few choice plant combo's:
*For a yummy Salad Bowl plant one of each in the corners if square container or an 'x' if round: nasturtium~trailing preferably, a variegated lemon thyme, Genovese basil and Italian Large leaf parsley; in center plant a romaine lettuce and spinach plant. Please take into consideration the growth size of each plant and determine the size of your planter if it will accommodate this planting. A 24" in diameter pot would be recommended.
*Herb Lovers~ try Genovese Basil, Lemon Basil, Italian Large Leaf parsley, tarragon and a thyme. Whenever you are ready to grill you can snip off some to add into a butter for brushing on corn or shish-ka-bob. Fresh snipped basil & parsley for yummy Brushetta, thyme for grilled squash or chicken and tarragon for fish!
The combo's are really up to your taste buds, so be creative and let your taste buds soar!
Everyone loves our bacon, for what I believe to be very good reasons~ no nitrates or nitrites, no G.M.O. feed given to our hogs, naturally raised with open fresh air & sunshine. Here is yet another way to serve up some of our bacon with our yummy heirloom Romaine lettuces!
Romaine & Bacon Salad
2 medium heads romaine lettuce from Garden Gate, chopped
1 red onion from Garden Gate, sliced thinly
1/2 pound bacon from Garden Gate
1 cup raw organic sugar
1 cup cider vinegar
1/2 cup dried cranberries
1/4 cup salted sunflower seeds
homemade croutons (see previous blog for recipe)
1. Arrange lettuce in a bowl and top with onions.
2. Fry bacon in skillet over medium- high heat, cook bacon until crisp; drain.
3. Combine vinegar & sugar; pour over bacon in skillet; bring to a simmer over medium heat; cook and stir until sugar dissolves, about 3 minutes.
4. Pour mixture over lettuce and onion. Toss together to mix evenly; top with cranberries, seeds & croutons.
5. Serve immediately.
Happy Day,
For Dragonflies And Me is an extension of my heart's love for gardening, bird watching and cooking all together in one wonderful place for you to come and get a peek into our lives at The Garden Gate Farm. Sit back with a cup of coffee and enjoy!
Saturday, April 28, 2012
Friday, April 27, 2012
'Guinea Pig' Meals, Seed Packet Magnets, Sheets for Tablecloths & Springtime Salad, Salad Dressings and Homemade Croutons!
"Flowers always make people better, happier, and more helpful; They are sunshine, food, and medicine to the soul."
Luther BurbankMeals are important at our house~ they are a time where we all sit together and talk about the days events, big news, mishaps or anything else that happens to pop up. Meal times can get a bit on the noisy side, but they are special together times that everyone gets to give their two cents worth. Last night at the supper table, Taylor said she wanted to do 'Guinea Pig' Suppers every night next week~ Neil said, 'no way'; Kyle said, 'yeah, cool'; Ethan said, 'uh-uh'; I said, 'OK, but I have to say yes first before anything is approved'; Neil said, 'That sounds better'; and then my sweet little 10 year old Ryan said, 'Where are we going to get the guinea pig meat?', quite seriously. So you may be saying, what is a guinea pig meal? Well they are fun & easy. All you do is try a new recipe that you think looks good that you have never tried, really not that scary. Anyway, I thought that this was cute!
*The other day I was at a friends house and they gave me a tour of their new 'little' greenhouse. It was cute- her daughter had saved several of her seed packets to keep for a handy reference. I saw them as something much different- cute Fridge Magnets for home & gifts of course! I am sure most of us gardeners are guilty of buying that 'extra' pack of seed just because of the package, the photo of the flower, herb or veggie- "Oh," we say, "I have to have that ....." . We all love a pretty picture- as they say, 'a picture says a thousands words'... So often I purchase a seed packet just because of the package. Seed companies would be smart if they all put more energy into the packaging! I have already used them as name cards at a tea party, pasted on the front of a homemade card and to make Fridge Magnets. It is so easy and they are the cutest gift to quick throw into a card you are going to send someone! Here's how~ You will need a laminator or self laminating sheets, a roll of self sticking magnet and of course your empty seed packets. Simply laminate the pack and then stick on the magnet! So cute, so simple and so fast!
*Some people collect shoes, purses, books, I collect table clothes. No matter what thrift shop I go to, the first place I hit is the linens department; I stand back and look down the rack so I can pick out the fabrics that catch my eyes~ plaids and floral's are always first on my list. After I find a few things it's off to the sheets~ yes the sheets! Sheets make wonderful outdoor entertaining table clothes; they cover picnic tables beautifully! I also have used quilts for a unique touch on a special occasion! Be creative, it's your table!
Everyone loves the first yummy things out of the garden in spring, lettuces, greens, spinach, radishes, scallions and the list can go on & on. Here is a variation to the everyday salad using some of Garden Gates awesome Bacon, lettuces, greens and radishes!
Garden Gate Farms Special Springtime Salad
1 bag mixed Greens from Garden Gate Farm, about a pound
1 bag baby lettuces from Garden Gate Farm, about a pound
1/2 cup chopped walnuts
1/2 cup chopped pecans
1/2 cup dried Cranberries or cherries or mix of both
1 bunch Radishes from Garden Gate, washed, trimmed and thinly sliced
1/2 pound Garden Gate Bacon, crisply cooked & crumbled
1/ pound blue cheese or feta cheese (without juice), crumbled
Poppy Seed Salad Dressing- see recipe below
Homemade Croutons- see recipe below
1. Wash & snip greens & lettuces into bite size pieces; arrange in a large salad bowl or on a large serving platter.
2. Layer each of the remaining ingredients, except dressing, on top of lettuce/greens.
3. Serve with dressing on side.
This is a large batch and will feed 12 to 15 hungry folks!
Yummy Poppy Seed Dressing
1/2 cup raw organic sugar
1 tsp. salt
1 tsp. mustard
1/3 cup real lemon juice
1 tsp. grated red onion
3.4 cup Olive Oil
1 Tbsp. poppy seed
1/8 tsp. pepper
Combine all ingredients and mix well. Refrigerate and serve chilled.
Homemade Croutons
1/4 cup butter
1 Tbsp. minced fresh garlic
1/4 tsp. each salt & pepper
1/3 cup grated Fresh Parmesan cheese
6 slices french or sour dough bread, day old is fine, crusts trimmed* (don't throw away)
1. Melt butter in a large skillet over medium heat. Cook until butter foams; Add garlic and cook about 1 minute; add bread cubes and toss to coat with butter.
2. Season with salt & pepper. Transfer to a baking sheet and bake at 375 degrees fro about 15 minutes, tossing once in between, until lightly golden.
3. Remove from oven and sprinkle with cheese and toss until cheese melts.
Makes about 4-6 cups.
*Don't throw away those crusts- put them in a freezer zip lock bag or freezer plastic container and freeze for up to 3 months. Use them for your next batch of homemade dressing!
Happy Day,
Luther BurbankMeals are important at our house~ they are a time where we all sit together and talk about the days events, big news, mishaps or anything else that happens to pop up. Meal times can get a bit on the noisy side, but they are special together times that everyone gets to give their two cents worth. Last night at the supper table, Taylor said she wanted to do 'Guinea Pig' Suppers every night next week~ Neil said, 'no way'; Kyle said, 'yeah, cool'; Ethan said, 'uh-uh'; I said, 'OK, but I have to say yes first before anything is approved'; Neil said, 'That sounds better'; and then my sweet little 10 year old Ryan said, 'Where are we going to get the guinea pig meat?', quite seriously. So you may be saying, what is a guinea pig meal? Well they are fun & easy. All you do is try a new recipe that you think looks good that you have never tried, really not that scary. Anyway, I thought that this was cute!
*The other day I was at a friends house and they gave me a tour of their new 'little' greenhouse. It was cute- her daughter had saved several of her seed packets to keep for a handy reference. I saw them as something much different- cute Fridge Magnets for home & gifts of course! I am sure most of us gardeners are guilty of buying that 'extra' pack of seed just because of the package, the photo of the flower, herb or veggie- "Oh," we say, "I have to have that ....." . We all love a pretty picture- as they say, 'a picture says a thousands words'... So often I purchase a seed packet just because of the package. Seed companies would be smart if they all put more energy into the packaging! I have already used them as name cards at a tea party, pasted on the front of a homemade card and to make Fridge Magnets. It is so easy and they are the cutest gift to quick throw into a card you are going to send someone! Here's how~ You will need a laminator or self laminating sheets, a roll of self sticking magnet and of course your empty seed packets. Simply laminate the pack and then stick on the magnet! So cute, so simple and so fast!
*Some people collect shoes, purses, books, I collect table clothes. No matter what thrift shop I go to, the first place I hit is the linens department; I stand back and look down the rack so I can pick out the fabrics that catch my eyes~ plaids and floral's are always first on my list. After I find a few things it's off to the sheets~ yes the sheets! Sheets make wonderful outdoor entertaining table clothes; they cover picnic tables beautifully! I also have used quilts for a unique touch on a special occasion! Be creative, it's your table!
Everyone loves the first yummy things out of the garden in spring, lettuces, greens, spinach, radishes, scallions and the list can go on & on. Here is a variation to the everyday salad using some of Garden Gates awesome Bacon, lettuces, greens and radishes!
Garden Gate Farms Special Springtime Salad
1 bag mixed Greens from Garden Gate Farm, about a pound
1 bag baby lettuces from Garden Gate Farm, about a pound
1/2 cup chopped walnuts
1/2 cup chopped pecans
1/2 cup dried Cranberries or cherries or mix of both
1 bunch Radishes from Garden Gate, washed, trimmed and thinly sliced
1/2 pound Garden Gate Bacon, crisply cooked & crumbled
1/ pound blue cheese or feta cheese (without juice), crumbled
Poppy Seed Salad Dressing- see recipe below
Homemade Croutons- see recipe below
1. Wash & snip greens & lettuces into bite size pieces; arrange in a large salad bowl or on a large serving platter.
2. Layer each of the remaining ingredients, except dressing, on top of lettuce/greens.
3. Serve with dressing on side.
This is a large batch and will feed 12 to 15 hungry folks!
Yummy Poppy Seed Dressing
1/2 cup raw organic sugar
1 tsp. salt
1 tsp. mustard
1/3 cup real lemon juice
1 tsp. grated red onion
3.4 cup Olive Oil
1 Tbsp. poppy seed
1/8 tsp. pepper
Combine all ingredients and mix well. Refrigerate and serve chilled.
Homemade Croutons
1/4 cup butter
1 Tbsp. minced fresh garlic
1/4 tsp. each salt & pepper
1/3 cup grated Fresh Parmesan cheese
6 slices french or sour dough bread, day old is fine, crusts trimmed* (don't throw away)
1. Melt butter in a large skillet over medium heat. Cook until butter foams; Add garlic and cook about 1 minute; add bread cubes and toss to coat with butter.
2. Season with salt & pepper. Transfer to a baking sheet and bake at 375 degrees fro about 15 minutes, tossing once in between, until lightly golden.
3. Remove from oven and sprinkle with cheese and toss until cheese melts.
Makes about 4-6 cups.
*Don't throw away those crusts- put them in a freezer zip lock bag or freezer plastic container and freeze for up to 3 months. Use them for your next batch of homemade dressing!
Happy Day,
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Plan A New Garden Now, Apple Orchard Strudel
Plan A New Garden Now, Apple Orchard Strudel p136
Planning a new garden is always so much fun for me. Each year I get to draw up field, garden and flower bed plot plans! This is one way that I spend my winter days! If you start with a garden journal and jot down what your garden dreams are, add some pictures from magazines~ my personal favorite is Country Gardens~ then you will have a plan of action and goals to work toward. Pre-planning your gardens on paper will give you an idea of space needed & quantity of plants required to have proper fill effect. There will be plants you can start from seed and others that you will need to get from your local nursery. Look in seed catalogs~ we are all getting loads of those and plan for Fall planting of bulbs for next Spring now! You can always tweek things after you start, but having that plan of action will give you a visual aid that is sure to help in the long run. For the next few entries I will be focusing on Garden Themes and helping you plan ahead to get a beautiful and long lasting end result.
Here are a few simpler Garden Themes with some choice plants for each, choose one or all.
*Butterfly Garden~ Purple Cornflowers, Butterfly Bush, Bee Balm, Shasta Daisy, Primrose, any kind of Phlox, Petunias, Cosmos, and single Marigolds.
*Hummingbird Garden~ Trumpet Vine, Wisteria bushes, Morning Glory, Lilac, Bee Balm, Hyssop, Petunias, Lavender, Salvia. Any flower with a tubular flower will be much appreciated by our beautiful feathered friends!
*Bee Garden~ Hyssop, Bee Balm, Lavender, all of the Thymes, any mints, Lemon Balm, Roses, Geraniums.
Moon Garden~
At one of our first home's I planted a Moon Garden for the first time. I had saw the idea in a magazine and thought it would be a neat idea, I had no idea how amazing it would be! In the blackest of nights the garden simply glowed with life and the night insects it attracted was in itself so awesome! Using all white flowers didn't seem that appealing to me at first, I am more of a Pink & Purple kind of girl with a splash of orange & yellow around to add interest- but white against the black night is simply gorgeous. As the moonlight reflects off the flower petals it makes a spectacular silvery light that is breath taking. My Moon Garden was planted directly in front of our living room window where it could be enjoyed either while inside or sitting outside. Here are some flowers to be included as well as some night blooming ones!
*Silver Sage, Carnation, Angels Trumpet, Lambs Ear, Silver Tansy, Yarrow, Silver King & Queen Artemisia, Clary Sage, Horehound, Grey Sanolina, White Petunia's, White Cosmos, Mums, Tulips, Daffodils, Snow Drops and Hyacinths. If you have an arbor plant Sweet Autumn Clematis~ what a show stopper.
*Night Bloomers include Nicotiana, Stock, Roses, Veronica, Impatiens, Alyssium, Azalea and Jasmine.
Make a special day with some friends and go to your local greenhouses to get more ideas. Remember when you are planning your garden's to look at plant blooming times, sun requirements and growth height & habits. Try to choose a selection of plants that will give color starting in early spring through the late fall so you don't miss a beat! The end result will be one you will never regret!
Here is a yummy way to use Cabbage in a not so everyday way!
Apple Orchard Strudel
4 cups cabbage from Garden Gate, finely chopped
1/4 cup onion from Garden Gate, chopped
1 1/2 cups apples, cored, peeled and chopped
1/4 cup sour cream
1 tsp mustard
1 cup shredded Cheddar Cheese
8 sheets frozen phyllo dough, thawed
1 stick butter, melted & divided
1. Add cabbage and onion to a skillet coated with non stick vegetable spray. Cook, covered, over medium heat for about 5 -7 minutes.
2 Mix cabbage mixture with apples in a large bowl, stirring in sour cream and mustard; add to cabbage mixture.
3, Brush one sheet of dough with butter; layer on a second sheet. Continue to brush each sheet of dough with butter and arrange on on top of the other. spoon cabbage mixture down 1/3 of long side of dough.
4. Top mixture with cheese. Beginning with the long side, roll up jelly roll style.
5. Place on a 10"x15" jelly roll pan lightly coated with non stick vegetable spray.
6. Brush dough with remaining butter. Make 1/4 inch deep cuts about 2 inches apart along the length of the dough.
7. Bake at 400 degrees for about 45 minutes. Let stand for about 5 minutes before serving.
Happy Day,
Planning a new garden is always so much fun for me. Each year I get to draw up field, garden and flower bed plot plans! This is one way that I spend my winter days! If you start with a garden journal and jot down what your garden dreams are, add some pictures from magazines~ my personal favorite is Country Gardens~ then you will have a plan of action and goals to work toward. Pre-planning your gardens on paper will give you an idea of space needed & quantity of plants required to have proper fill effect. There will be plants you can start from seed and others that you will need to get from your local nursery. Look in seed catalogs~ we are all getting loads of those and plan for Fall planting of bulbs for next Spring now! You can always tweek things after you start, but having that plan of action will give you a visual aid that is sure to help in the long run. For the next few entries I will be focusing on Garden Themes and helping you plan ahead to get a beautiful and long lasting end result.
Here are a few simpler Garden Themes with some choice plants for each, choose one or all.
*Butterfly Garden~ Purple Cornflowers, Butterfly Bush, Bee Balm, Shasta Daisy, Primrose, any kind of Phlox, Petunias, Cosmos, and single Marigolds.
*Hummingbird Garden~ Trumpet Vine, Wisteria bushes, Morning Glory, Lilac, Bee Balm, Hyssop, Petunias, Lavender, Salvia. Any flower with a tubular flower will be much appreciated by our beautiful feathered friends!
*Bee Garden~ Hyssop, Bee Balm, Lavender, all of the Thymes, any mints, Lemon Balm, Roses, Geraniums.
Moon Garden~
At one of our first home's I planted a Moon Garden for the first time. I had saw the idea in a magazine and thought it would be a neat idea, I had no idea how amazing it would be! In the blackest of nights the garden simply glowed with life and the night insects it attracted was in itself so awesome! Using all white flowers didn't seem that appealing to me at first, I am more of a Pink & Purple kind of girl with a splash of orange & yellow around to add interest- but white against the black night is simply gorgeous. As the moonlight reflects off the flower petals it makes a spectacular silvery light that is breath taking. My Moon Garden was planted directly in front of our living room window where it could be enjoyed either while inside or sitting outside. Here are some flowers to be included as well as some night blooming ones!
*Silver Sage, Carnation, Angels Trumpet, Lambs Ear, Silver Tansy, Yarrow, Silver King & Queen Artemisia, Clary Sage, Horehound, Grey Sanolina, White Petunia's, White Cosmos, Mums, Tulips, Daffodils, Snow Drops and Hyacinths. If you have an arbor plant Sweet Autumn Clematis~ what a show stopper.
*Night Bloomers include Nicotiana, Stock, Roses, Veronica, Impatiens, Alyssium, Azalea and Jasmine.
Make a special day with some friends and go to your local greenhouses to get more ideas. Remember when you are planning your garden's to look at plant blooming times, sun requirements and growth height & habits. Try to choose a selection of plants that will give color starting in early spring through the late fall so you don't miss a beat! The end result will be one you will never regret!
Here is a yummy way to use Cabbage in a not so everyday way!
Apple Orchard Strudel
4 cups cabbage from Garden Gate, finely chopped
1/4 cup onion from Garden Gate, chopped
1 1/2 cups apples, cored, peeled and chopped
1/4 cup sour cream
1 tsp mustard
1 cup shredded Cheddar Cheese
8 sheets frozen phyllo dough, thawed
1 stick butter, melted & divided
1. Add cabbage and onion to a skillet coated with non stick vegetable spray. Cook, covered, over medium heat for about 5 -7 minutes.
2 Mix cabbage mixture with apples in a large bowl, stirring in sour cream and mustard; add to cabbage mixture.
3, Brush one sheet of dough with butter; layer on a second sheet. Continue to brush each sheet of dough with butter and arrange on on top of the other. spoon cabbage mixture down 1/3 of long side of dough.
4. Top mixture with cheese. Beginning with the long side, roll up jelly roll style.
5. Place on a 10"x15" jelly roll pan lightly coated with non stick vegetable spray.
6. Brush dough with remaining butter. Make 1/4 inch deep cuts about 2 inches apart along the length of the dough.
7. Bake at 400 degrees for about 45 minutes. Let stand for about 5 minutes before serving.
Happy Day,
Saturday, April 21, 2012
Simple To Make Birdbath, Say I Love You with Herbs, Recycled Cloth Shopper Bags & Taylor's Ready To Go French Toast!
Spring is a time of love and rejuvenation! The awakening all around us stimulates a desire to give and share~ everything just seems happy! The birds start returning, buds start popping, the first Snow Drops and Crocus's start peeking out giving us a foretaste of the Daffodils & Tulips not far behind. This Spring has brought some things earlier than usual and with it that energy has sprung forth for me as well. I love to be in the greenhouses and gardens working in the dirt... watching seeds sprout and develop into the plants we will take to market and plant in our gardens, beds and fields. As mentioned in the previous blog post birding is one of our favorite things to do~ here is a really simple & cool bird bath along with some gifty ideas and of course a yummy recipe from Taylor, enjoy!
*Here is a super Simple Birdbath that even the most 'un-handy' minded person can make using just a few simple tools! First you will need:
~a really cool old banister or porch post, which if you don't have go to any antique or salvage yard and they will abound. If you want newer than simply go and buy what you would like. It should be at least 4 feet tall.
~an old granite dishpan for the bath.
~a bag of concrete, a Tap-con screw (for metal) and some clear acrylic caulk.
Dig a hole about a foot deep, place the post in and pour enough concrete to fill hole to just about ground level.
Cover with dirt and let set about an hour.
Take the dish pan and center on top of banister/post; screw to banister/post. Put a dab of caulk over screw to prevent leaking and rusting.
Plant flowers like Shasta Daisies, Black Eyed Susan's or Purple Cone Flowers around and enjoy the birdie frolic!
*I love to give gifts especially those that say I love you with flowers or plants... or really any type of garden type stuff. Here is a gift that will keep on giving the recipient! Many plants have meanings, even the color of roses have specific meanings to them. Here are some herb's that you can give to express your admiration or love to them.
Here are some ways to arrange the Herbs for gift giving:
~Plant them in a lovely window box or two.
~Pot each herb up in separate pots- choose Terra cotta, painted pottery or some old galvanized pails~ you will know what they will like best!
~Plant in one or two large patio pots if they have a patio or porch.
Here are the Herbs and their meanings:
Dill~ cheer and survival in the face of difficulties\
Sage~ wisdom
Marjoram~ joy
Bay~ achievement and success
Rosemary~ remembrance and friendship
Scented 'Attar of Rose' Geranium~ happiness
Choose one, some or all... you know what you want to say!
Recycled Clothe Shopper Bags have been a really big thing the last couple years and being a market vendor I notice more and more of our customers going to them. This in turn saves us from having to buy as many plastic bags! So of course I thought we could make and in turn sell them at market. Taylor & I decided to go pattern shopping and find a practical pattern to make. We decided to use old denim pants, scraps from our dress fabrics, old sheets, shirts and any other 'scraps' of fabric we could acquire. This was a lot of fun and if you enjoy sewing this is a really simple project to make a few 'one of a kind' shopper bags for yourself and even for gifts! We added buttons, pockets, ribbons and other little charms that we had. Be as creative as you like and before you know it , you might have a little business in bag making!
Taylor's Ready To Go French Toast
French toast can be way more exciting that just some bread dipped in egg & fried. We have eight hungry people to feed, six of them in the male category, so we need to keep things interesting around our house. This is a great make ahead breakfast great for Sunday breakfast or Brunch, or for any day of the week.
1/2 Stick of Butter
2 Apples cored, peeled and sliced
1 cup brown sugar
1 tsp. apple pie spice
8 slices bread- your choice- thicker the better in my opinion
4 eggs from Garden Gate Farm, beaten
1 cup milk
1 tsp. Maple Syrup Extract*
1. Melt the butter in a heavy skillet over medium heat. Reduce heat to med-low; add apples and cook until tender.
2. Stir in sugar and spice and cook until dissolved, about 2-3 minutes. Pour apple mixture into a greased 9x13 inch baking dish.
3. Lay the slices of bread on top of apple mixture.
4. In a medium bowl whisk together the remaining ingredients; pour over bread slices.
5. Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate overnight.
6. Remove plastic and bake at 350 degrees for about 30 to 40 minutes, or until eggs are cooked & set, until firm and browned slightly.
*Don't use regular maple syrup because the flavor with cook off!
Serve nice and warm and if you for brunch add some yummy vanilla ice cream with it!
Happy Day,
*Here is a super Simple Birdbath that even the most 'un-handy' minded person can make using just a few simple tools! First you will need:
~a really cool old banister or porch post, which if you don't have go to any antique or salvage yard and they will abound. If you want newer than simply go and buy what you would like. It should be at least 4 feet tall.
~an old granite dishpan for the bath.
~a bag of concrete, a Tap-con screw (for metal) and some clear acrylic caulk.
Dig a hole about a foot deep, place the post in and pour enough concrete to fill hole to just about ground level.
Cover with dirt and let set about an hour.
Take the dish pan and center on top of banister/post; screw to banister/post. Put a dab of caulk over screw to prevent leaking and rusting.
Plant flowers like Shasta Daisies, Black Eyed Susan's or Purple Cone Flowers around and enjoy the birdie frolic!
*I love to give gifts especially those that say I love you with flowers or plants... or really any type of garden type stuff. Here is a gift that will keep on giving the recipient! Many plants have meanings, even the color of roses have specific meanings to them. Here are some herb's that you can give to express your admiration or love to them.
Here are some ways to arrange the Herbs for gift giving:
~Plant them in a lovely window box or two.
~Pot each herb up in separate pots- choose Terra cotta, painted pottery or some old galvanized pails~ you will know what they will like best!
~Plant in one or two large patio pots if they have a patio or porch.
Here are the Herbs and their meanings:
Dill~ cheer and survival in the face of difficulties\
Sage~ wisdom
Marjoram~ joy
Bay~ achievement and success
Rosemary~ remembrance and friendship
Scented 'Attar of Rose' Geranium~ happiness
Choose one, some or all... you know what you want to say!
Recycled Clothe Shopper Bags have been a really big thing the last couple years and being a market vendor I notice more and more of our customers going to them. This in turn saves us from having to buy as many plastic bags! So of course I thought we could make and in turn sell them at market. Taylor & I decided to go pattern shopping and find a practical pattern to make. We decided to use old denim pants, scraps from our dress fabrics, old sheets, shirts and any other 'scraps' of fabric we could acquire. This was a lot of fun and if you enjoy sewing this is a really simple project to make a few 'one of a kind' shopper bags for yourself and even for gifts! We added buttons, pockets, ribbons and other little charms that we had. Be as creative as you like and before you know it , you might have a little business in bag making!
Taylor's Ready To Go French Toast
French toast can be way more exciting that just some bread dipped in egg & fried. We have eight hungry people to feed, six of them in the male category, so we need to keep things interesting around our house. This is a great make ahead breakfast great for Sunday breakfast or Brunch, or for any day of the week.
1/2 Stick of Butter
2 Apples cored, peeled and sliced
1 cup brown sugar
1 tsp. apple pie spice
8 slices bread- your choice- thicker the better in my opinion
4 eggs from Garden Gate Farm, beaten
1 cup milk
1 tsp. Maple Syrup Extract*
1. Melt the butter in a heavy skillet over medium heat. Reduce heat to med-low; add apples and cook until tender.
2. Stir in sugar and spice and cook until dissolved, about 2-3 minutes. Pour apple mixture into a greased 9x13 inch baking dish.
3. Lay the slices of bread on top of apple mixture.
4. In a medium bowl whisk together the remaining ingredients; pour over bread slices.
5. Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate overnight.
6. Remove plastic and bake at 350 degrees for about 30 to 40 minutes, or until eggs are cooked & set, until firm and browned slightly.
*Don't use regular maple syrup because the flavor with cook off!
Serve nice and warm and if you for brunch add some yummy vanilla ice cream with it!
Happy Day,
Friday, April 20, 2012
Garden Stone
This is the garden stone that I mentioned in the above blog. It is a small part of the garden path, but it is my most special one next to the childrens.
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Cookbook Journals, The Gift of Bread, More Garden Tips, Potting Shed Organization & Taylor's Yummy Beef & Veggie Soup
As I have mentioned so many times, I love to journal! Taylor was looking through the cookbook journal I had made her several years back and I thought that would be something interesting to talk about. After all I always add some recipes so why not. Journaling through my blogs has been such a delight for me and a way to share my thoughts and ideas with all of you. So often I get asked questions about a lot of the things that I have been blogging about and now I can direct the folks to this blog. Thanks for staying turned and if anyone has any question please don't hesitate to ask through our Facebook page and I will try to address each question as best I can!
*Several years ago I was going through one of my Scrapbook magazines and they had a whole section on Cookbook Scrapbook Journal's. Well that's all it took for me and I was right into it. I called my mom, Neil's mom & sisters and got all the families 'favorites'. One stipulation was that each had to send the recipes in their own handwriting- not typed. I had several of my Grandmas, her sisters, my aunts & my moms as well as some of my own from when I was a teenager. I also included some of Neils own concoctions along with his brothers. But I needed more than just the recipes- I needed photographs. I wanted photographs preferably of each person in the kitchen or doing something in the line of cooking- even camping & grilling. I got more than I dreamed of, this was going to be fun. One more key ingredient to the book was to be the story telling aspect of it- journaling! This comes easy for me, so with each recipe and photo is a short story about the cook and why the recipe is special. Being the avid scrap booker I am I of course had the perfect 10x10 inch Creative Memories scrapbook and all the supplies any one could dream of, so it was just getting it organized and decide on the format I wanted. Once I had all the recipes I made copies of all on Scrapbook paper so they would not deteriorate over time. I put the appropriate photos with the right recipes; I decided on my title pages and the order they would go in; knowing that this couldn't be an encyclopedia I had to decide on what recipes to use and which to scrap- (get rid of) -no pun intended- this was the hard job. In the end Taylor now has a beautiful Scrap-Cookbook that she truly enjoys and uses quite often.
*Everybody loves bread, and if they don't they should! Bread makes a lovely gift~ weather it be a yeast, sweet or flat bread, they are all yummy. To make your gifts of bread even more special, pick up inexpensive yet cute Tea Towels at discount stores and tie your loaf up into one, tie with raffia, jute or cute ribbon and add a special tag. The recipient will be so tickled.
*More Garden Tips....
*If you have a fireplace that needs cleaned out, right about now, don't just throw those ashes away- they have great garden value! If you have blueberry bushes or an asparagus patch put those ashes around the base of them. They will give the plants much needed potash for the growing season. Also, if you plan on planting peas in your garden this spring and know where the patch will go, sprinkle the ashes over that area and the day before you want to plant, till them into the ground! Beware- my pea vines got over 8 feet tall!
*Keep a five gallon bucket filled 3/4 way with oily sand to put your shovels, pitch & potato forks & spades in. It will keep them from getting rusty.
*If you are like me you will find yourself standing around the garden asking yourself, "Now where did I lay those clippers?" I don't quite understand why some of these garden companies don't think to make the handles on the tools bright colors so they are more easily found. Or maybe that is why they don't, because they get lost so easily and then we have to buy more~ now there's an "A-ha" moment. Anyway, until they do design them with them, pick up some bright color spray paint and spray the handles- no more 'lost' tools!
*This spring be sure to plan certain flowers into your garden plan- Marigolds, basil, nasturtiums should all be planted along with your tomatoes to keep bad bugs away and attract the beneficial's. They are not only pretty, but practical.
Potting Shed or Garage Organization is a key for a content & happy gardener. I am very blessed to have a very lovely Potting Shed and as I mentioned in a previous blog, it is a mess each spring that I need to clean out. This mess is never my doing, I will not take the blame for it. I have several wonderful helpers that just have not acquired my love of organization~ YET! Kyle is the closest yet with Evan not far behind. Everyone else is 'a work in process, or should I say progress?' Anyway, I have a spot for everything in my shed and I am much happier when I can find what I want when I want it. As I always say in & out of doors, "Everything has it's place so put everything back in its place.... please!" On that note, here are a few tips on organizing your potting shed, garage or where ever you store your tools.
*I put 2 sections of peg board in my shed, on which I use hooks to hang all my shovels, rakes, loppers and several other tools. I also hang small buckets and even a wire utensil basket in which I keep my hand tools in along with other small things. I used one of those plastic shoe organizers that hang on the back of doors to store nuts, screws, garden gloves, markers, hooks, ground staples and any other small things that I want to be able to see at a quick glance. I have several shelves where I keep planters, bird feeders,watering cans, etc. I also have an old kitchen counter with cupboards below where I store plastic containers, dirt, bird seed and any other extra stuff. I also keep five gallon buckets to use for putting my weeding garbage in. In the rafters I keep fold up chairs, my push seeders, shutters and other large items I don't have room for on the walls or floors. The outside of my shed is decorated to my liking- an old window with three old buckets for planters, an antique scale and of course an old fashioned bike leans on it. On the back I have an old french door surrounded by antique tools and a shelf above which showcases empty pots and bird houses. On the other side is the window with a planter under it which I plant with pansies each year. The front has two wash tubs, one on either side of the door that I plant with petunias, a "The Potting Shed" sigh I hand painted and of course a Welcome sign. You can use any of these ideas in your garage as well, simply pick a corner and deck it out with whatever you have. Watch at garage sales & flea markets for old counters or even an old table. Shelves are easy to come by; peg board can be got at any hardware store. The ideas are only limited by your space and creativity- so have fun and make it say it belongs to you!
Taylor's Yummy Beef & Veggie Soup
I know most of us think of soup in the cooler months, and with the way the weather has been the last couple weeks I wouldn't feel like soup either. The next week though is supposed to be on the cooler side so pick up a Garden Gate Chuck Roast tomorrow to make this super yummy soup next week! Enjoy...
3# or so, Beef Chuck Roast from Garden Gate farm (of course :-) )
enough water to cover roast and over about 4 inches
1 small red onion from Garden Gate, chopped fine
1 bunch Swiss Chard from Garden Gate, ribs & stemmed removed and then leaves washed and cut into bite size pieces
1 cup of Carrots, cut into 1/2 inch coins
4 ribs of Celery , cut into 1/2 inch chunks
2 cups Cocktail Vegetable juice, like V-8
1 tsp fresh Rosemary from Garden Gate
1 tsp. each salt & pepper
1. In a large crock pot add water, meat, onion, salt & pepper and rosemary. Cover and cook on low for about 8 hours.
2. Stir in carrots, chard, celery and cook until almost tender, about 1/2 hour. Transfer meat & veggies to a large stock pot; add juice. If not enough juice, add enough water to cover.
3. Cook on low for about another hour or until veggies are tender.
So good.
Happy Day,
*Several years ago I was going through one of my Scrapbook magazines and they had a whole section on Cookbook Scrapbook Journal's. Well that's all it took for me and I was right into it. I called my mom, Neil's mom & sisters and got all the families 'favorites'. One stipulation was that each had to send the recipes in their own handwriting- not typed. I had several of my Grandmas, her sisters, my aunts & my moms as well as some of my own from when I was a teenager. I also included some of Neils own concoctions along with his brothers. But I needed more than just the recipes- I needed photographs. I wanted photographs preferably of each person in the kitchen or doing something in the line of cooking- even camping & grilling. I got more than I dreamed of, this was going to be fun. One more key ingredient to the book was to be the story telling aspect of it- journaling! This comes easy for me, so with each recipe and photo is a short story about the cook and why the recipe is special. Being the avid scrap booker I am I of course had the perfect 10x10 inch Creative Memories scrapbook and all the supplies any one could dream of, so it was just getting it organized and decide on the format I wanted. Once I had all the recipes I made copies of all on Scrapbook paper so they would not deteriorate over time. I put the appropriate photos with the right recipes; I decided on my title pages and the order they would go in; knowing that this couldn't be an encyclopedia I had to decide on what recipes to use and which to scrap- (get rid of) -no pun intended- this was the hard job. In the end Taylor now has a beautiful Scrap-Cookbook that she truly enjoys and uses quite often.
*Everybody loves bread, and if they don't they should! Bread makes a lovely gift~ weather it be a yeast, sweet or flat bread, they are all yummy. To make your gifts of bread even more special, pick up inexpensive yet cute Tea Towels at discount stores and tie your loaf up into one, tie with raffia, jute or cute ribbon and add a special tag. The recipient will be so tickled.
*More Garden Tips....
*If you have a fireplace that needs cleaned out, right about now, don't just throw those ashes away- they have great garden value! If you have blueberry bushes or an asparagus patch put those ashes around the base of them. They will give the plants much needed potash for the growing season. Also, if you plan on planting peas in your garden this spring and know where the patch will go, sprinkle the ashes over that area and the day before you want to plant, till them into the ground! Beware- my pea vines got over 8 feet tall!
*Keep a five gallon bucket filled 3/4 way with oily sand to put your shovels, pitch & potato forks & spades in. It will keep them from getting rusty.
*If you are like me you will find yourself standing around the garden asking yourself, "Now where did I lay those clippers?" I don't quite understand why some of these garden companies don't think to make the handles on the tools bright colors so they are more easily found. Or maybe that is why they don't, because they get lost so easily and then we have to buy more~ now there's an "A-ha" moment. Anyway, until they do design them with them, pick up some bright color spray paint and spray the handles- no more 'lost' tools!
*This spring be sure to plan certain flowers into your garden plan- Marigolds, basil, nasturtiums should all be planted along with your tomatoes to keep bad bugs away and attract the beneficial's. They are not only pretty, but practical.
Potting Shed or Garage Organization is a key for a content & happy gardener. I am very blessed to have a very lovely Potting Shed and as I mentioned in a previous blog, it is a mess each spring that I need to clean out. This mess is never my doing, I will not take the blame for it. I have several wonderful helpers that just have not acquired my love of organization~ YET! Kyle is the closest yet with Evan not far behind. Everyone else is 'a work in process, or should I say progress?' Anyway, I have a spot for everything in my shed and I am much happier when I can find what I want when I want it. As I always say in & out of doors, "Everything has it's place so put everything back in its place.... please!" On that note, here are a few tips on organizing your potting shed, garage or where ever you store your tools.
*I put 2 sections of peg board in my shed, on which I use hooks to hang all my shovels, rakes, loppers and several other tools. I also hang small buckets and even a wire utensil basket in which I keep my hand tools in along with other small things. I used one of those plastic shoe organizers that hang on the back of doors to store nuts, screws, garden gloves, markers, hooks, ground staples and any other small things that I want to be able to see at a quick glance. I have several shelves where I keep planters, bird feeders,watering cans, etc. I also have an old kitchen counter with cupboards below where I store plastic containers, dirt, bird seed and any other extra stuff. I also keep five gallon buckets to use for putting my weeding garbage in. In the rafters I keep fold up chairs, my push seeders, shutters and other large items I don't have room for on the walls or floors. The outside of my shed is decorated to my liking- an old window with three old buckets for planters, an antique scale and of course an old fashioned bike leans on it. On the back I have an old french door surrounded by antique tools and a shelf above which showcases empty pots and bird houses. On the other side is the window with a planter under it which I plant with pansies each year. The front has two wash tubs, one on either side of the door that I plant with petunias, a "The Potting Shed" sigh I hand painted and of course a Welcome sign. You can use any of these ideas in your garage as well, simply pick a corner and deck it out with whatever you have. Watch at garage sales & flea markets for old counters or even an old table. Shelves are easy to come by; peg board can be got at any hardware store. The ideas are only limited by your space and creativity- so have fun and make it say it belongs to you!
Taylor's Yummy Beef & Veggie Soup
I know most of us think of soup in the cooler months, and with the way the weather has been the last couple weeks I wouldn't feel like soup either. The next week though is supposed to be on the cooler side so pick up a Garden Gate Chuck Roast tomorrow to make this super yummy soup next week! Enjoy...
3# or so, Beef Chuck Roast from Garden Gate farm (of course :-) )
enough water to cover roast and over about 4 inches
1 small red onion from Garden Gate, chopped fine
1 bunch Swiss Chard from Garden Gate, ribs & stemmed removed and then leaves washed and cut into bite size pieces
1 cup of Carrots, cut into 1/2 inch coins
4 ribs of Celery , cut into 1/2 inch chunks
2 cups Cocktail Vegetable juice, like V-8
1 tsp fresh Rosemary from Garden Gate
1 tsp. each salt & pepper
1. In a large crock pot add water, meat, onion, salt & pepper and rosemary. Cover and cook on low for about 8 hours.
2. Stir in carrots, chard, celery and cook until almost tender, about 1/2 hour. Transfer meat & veggies to a large stock pot; add juice. If not enough juice, add enough water to cover.
3. Cook on low for about another hour or until veggies are tender.
So good.
Happy Day,
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Homemade "Flower Fresh" Recipe, More Garden Tips & Simple Cuttings & yummy Mini Farmers Market Pizza's
The daffodils, forsythias & magnolias are all in full bloom~ it is absolutely magnificent! It is about 9Pm right now and the rain just started coming down~ it sounds like a calm and steady straight down rain. Evan, Ryan & I got several things planted in the raised beds & the kitchen garden today and this rain is such a blessing for all those little seeds and soon to be us :-) ! Ryan wanted to pick his teacher a bouquet with the daffodils for tomorrow, he is so sweet. He loves to make bouquets and plant things. We were planting beets in a few of the raised beds after school today and all of a sudden he was gone. I called after him and he was getting ready to till up the spot he had worked in last summer. "Too wet yet" I told him. Raised beds are different then regular gardens, they dry out quite a bit quicker and you can get lots more stuff in them faster. One more reason why I am all about raised beds! We all love those first spring bouquets and they never seem to last long enough. You can add some vase life to them with a really simple homemade 'Flower Fresh' fresh recipe~ all ingredients you are sure to have right in your own home!
*Homemade "Flower Fresh"
Put 1/2 tsp. of regular household bleach and 1 tsp. sugar to every 1 cup of room temperature water. Change water every 5-7 days.
If you snip just a 1/4 inch off the bottom of the stems each day, this will also help.
You will be able to keep your bouquets looking nice for about 2-3 weeks.
*More Garden Tips
There are so many things that I have read & picked up over the years that it seems I could write on & on about this stuff forever... so here are a few more tried & true tips! Have fun...
*If you have trouble with flies coming in the house, try putting a potted Basil on the step or porch by each of your doors and if you have a window ledge outside you kitchen window or any other put a few there. Not are they only helpful here, just think how easy it will be to make Brushetta or Pesto now.... oh now that is sooo yummy!
*If you have shrubs or trees that need pruned in the spring, lay a tarp under the area to be pruned; then when you are done, simply fold up the tarp and dispose of in your compost or burn pile... easy as pie!
*It is seed planting time and some of those seeds are soo tiny! Lettuce & carrot to mention just a couple. Try using a large holed salt or sugar shaker~ simply put your seed in it and then shake them out in your prepared row! So easy!
*Weeding can be a trying experience even for the gardener who loves to garden. If at all possible, weed after a rain, everything comes out easier.
*Mulching is a time & back saver! If you know a farmer that has cows, horses or sheep they will have hay & straw. Bales often pop open and there is always loose straw around. Ask if you clean up the loose straw & hay if you can have it. I lay newspaper down my isles in the garden and even in the raised beds between the rows, and then cover with straw. Some people will say then you will be planting the seeds~ it's green manure! Plus I rather deal with the very minimal seeding as opposed to the hours of hoeing, tilling and hand weeding! I will be touching more on mulching & it's importance in coming posts!
*Simple Cuttings are very easy to do. Here are instructions on how to start your own Rose & Forsythia.
~ For a new rose bush all you need to do is cut a stem with a full bloom rose on it. Stick the stem into the ground. Leave a few of the leaves at the top with the bloom. Water the ground thoroughly and put a clear glass jar over it- like a mason jar- if you have a 2 quart jar that would be best, but a 1 quart works well too- and anchor it into the ground by twisting it until the jar is in the ground up to its shoulder; place a rock on it. Keep the soil watered around jar every day until frost. don't remove the jar until next spring. You will then have a new rose bush growing! I have tried this and it worked~ I got 2 out of 6 new roses.
~ Forsythia is super easy too! If you have a friend with a bush you are all set~ I am sure she/he will let you have a start. Forsythia branches will tend to 'bend' down and when the tips meet the ground they root on their own! Go to the shrub and you will see gobs of branches that appear to be separate bushes, but in actuality they are branches rooted down. All you need to do is cut the branch from the actual mother plant and carefully dig up the 'rooted branch'. Put in a bucket of water with the flower fresh in it and transplant into the location you have for it at home! Presto~ your own forsythia!
Mini Farmers Market Pizza's
These nifty little pizza's are so much fun for the children because you can let each one of them create their very own masterpiece! Not to mention they can put whatever toppings they like best. Here is one way, but be creative and have a yummy fun time!
6 Pita Rounds
1 1/2 cups pizza sauce
1 cup fresh Spinach from Garden Gate Farm, washed & snipped into bite size pieces
1 medium Red Onion from Garden Gate Farm, chopped
2 Roma Tomatoes from Willowridge farm, sliced thinly with seeds removed
2 cups mixed shredded cheese- choose two types for a more interesting flavor
Grated Parmesan Cheese
1 Tbsp. Olive Oil
1/2 cup fresh Parsley from Garden Gate Farm, snipped
1. Place pita rounds on an ungreased baking sheet and spread each with 1/4 cup of pizza sauce.
2. Top with cheese; put tomato, spinach & onions on top.
3. Drizzle 1/2 tsp. oil over each pizza; sprinkle 1 tsp. parsley over each;
4. Sprinkle lightly with Parmesan cheese over each.
5. Bake at 350 for 15-20 minutes, or until cheese is bubbly!
Happy Day,
Monday, April 16, 2012
Plan a Sisters Day's, Helpful Garden Tips & a yummy Cucumber 'Herb Garden' Sandwich!
"Gardening is a joy when one's time is managed to enjoy it!" Jean Smith.Plan a Sisters Day's, Helpful Garden Tips & a yummy Cucumber 'Herb Garden' Sandwich!Well it is finally Spring, I can hardly believe the calendar. I am so excited with this weather and all that we've got accomplished outdoors the last two weeks. I am getting ready to transplant some scallions, lettuces, chard and spinach seedlings into the raised beds; I am also going to get radishes and more greens seeded this week. For the next few weeks I will focus on giving some practical Garden Tips to help you get your growing season started~ and of course I will continue to give you loads of other fun ideas to do and lot's of yummy recipes! I hope you are all enjoying my blog as much as I am!
Tomorrow I am having a Sisters Day at my house. What is a Sisters Day you wonder~ well in brief it is when you and a group of friends or relatives decide to have a special day of being together & doing something you all enjoy . The ideas and group of people to include are both endless! Here are some Sisters Day themes as well as groups!
*Themes or activities can include but are certainly not limited to~ Card making, scrap booking, canning & preserving, dinner/meal swap, crafty day, sewing or quilting day. You can even just have your group over and let everyone do what they want. Tomorrow when all my 'sister's' come we are going to do yard work & finish cleaning up the rest of the flower beds, do some transplanting and one of my 'mother in the Lord' is coming to do the mending that I just cannot bear to do! The other one is too far away to be here, and my heart aches that she won't be with us. We will have one every month and each 'sister' whose turn it is gets to choose what we all do at her house. If you are thinking that seems pretty good, it gets better. They are all going to bring a dish to pass for lunch that we will all share and to top it off they will each bring in a dish for my families supper! Yeah, isn't that great?
*Groups you may be involved with: Obviously if you have sister's &/or cousins you are especially fond of :-) ~ and of course you can include your mom, mother & sister in laws, grandma & special aunts too. If there is a lively group in your work place that you enjoy spending time with have one with your co-workers. Do you belong to a M.O.P.'s, homeschooling, Brownies or Girl Scouts, Master Gardeners or any other group? I am sure you could think of several of the other group members you may have fun with!
Whatever theme or group of friends you decide on you will surely have a great time so let your imaginations soar!Helpful Garden Tips!
*If you are like me you just can't bear to wear gardening gloves. I love the way the dirt feels on my fingers and it's warmth is to good to pass up. Besides who can get a good hold on those nasty roots with gloves on. So before you go outside to work in the dirt, push your finger nails into a bar of soap. Then when you get back in just wash up and no dirt in the nails!
*If you have earwigs, place several sheets of rolled up newspaper secured with rubber bands where you are seeing infestations. Leave it there over night and then in the morning, simply pick up the rolled newspaper and put in a garbage bag, tie tightly. They love to hide in cool, dark & damp places.
*To control slugs and snails simply spread bran around the bases of the plants where you are noticing them. They do not like bran and this will be a natural way to be rid of the slimy suckers!
*I am a list maker! What I like to do is to walk around the yard and any other areas that I know there is work to be done and make a list of what needs to be done~ these work well for 'Honey-do' lists as well! Then you can visually look at each thing to do and as it gets accomplished you have the thrill of scratching that job off and it is one less thing to do! It also helps for folks like me who forget it as quickly as I think of it ;-) !
*Timing is everything! I for one have many gardens and they take time to work in and get the job done, especially in the spring when all the weeds are trying to take a strong hold before the perennials can get a fair chance! Spread your work out~ give yourself fifteen to thirty minutes in the morning and then again in the evening to work at weeding. This way you can easily stay on top of the work instead of trying to do the whole lot in a day once a week.
If you are fortunate enough to have a kitchen garden you can easily throw together these yummy & quick sandwiches for a little picnic, special luncheon or a leisurely lunch that is sure to become a family favorite!
Tomorrow I am having a Sisters Day at my house. What is a Sisters Day you wonder~ well in brief it is when you and a group of friends or relatives decide to have a special day of being together & doing something you all enjoy . The ideas and group of people to include are both endless! Here are some Sisters Day themes as well as groups!
*Themes or activities can include but are certainly not limited to~ Card making, scrap booking, canning & preserving, dinner/meal swap, crafty day, sewing or quilting day. You can even just have your group over and let everyone do what they want. Tomorrow when all my 'sister's' come we are going to do yard work & finish cleaning up the rest of the flower beds, do some transplanting and one of my 'mother in the Lord' is coming to do the mending that I just cannot bear to do! The other one is too far away to be here, and my heart aches that she won't be with us. We will have one every month and each 'sister' whose turn it is gets to choose what we all do at her house. If you are thinking that seems pretty good, it gets better. They are all going to bring a dish to pass for lunch that we will all share and to top it off they will each bring in a dish for my families supper! Yeah, isn't that great?
*Groups you may be involved with: Obviously if you have sister's &/or cousins you are especially fond of :-) ~ and of course you can include your mom, mother & sister in laws, grandma & special aunts too. If there is a lively group in your work place that you enjoy spending time with have one with your co-workers. Do you belong to a M.O.P.'s, homeschooling, Brownies or Girl Scouts, Master Gardeners or any other group? I am sure you could think of several of the other group members you may have fun with!
Whatever theme or group of friends you decide on you will surely have a great time so let your imaginations soar!Helpful Garden Tips!
*If you are like me you just can't bear to wear gardening gloves. I love the way the dirt feels on my fingers and it's warmth is to good to pass up. Besides who can get a good hold on those nasty roots with gloves on. So before you go outside to work in the dirt, push your finger nails into a bar of soap. Then when you get back in just wash up and no dirt in the nails!
*If you have earwigs, place several sheets of rolled up newspaper secured with rubber bands where you are seeing infestations. Leave it there over night and then in the morning, simply pick up the rolled newspaper and put in a garbage bag, tie tightly. They love to hide in cool, dark & damp places.
*To control slugs and snails simply spread bran around the bases of the plants where you are noticing them. They do not like bran and this will be a natural way to be rid of the slimy suckers!
*I am a list maker! What I like to do is to walk around the yard and any other areas that I know there is work to be done and make a list of what needs to be done~ these work well for 'Honey-do' lists as well! Then you can visually look at each thing to do and as it gets accomplished you have the thrill of scratching that job off and it is one less thing to do! It also helps for folks like me who forget it as quickly as I think of it ;-) !
*Timing is everything! I for one have many gardens and they take time to work in and get the job done, especially in the spring when all the weeds are trying to take a strong hold before the perennials can get a fair chance! Spread your work out~ give yourself fifteen to thirty minutes in the morning and then again in the evening to work at weeding. This way you can easily stay on top of the work instead of trying to do the whole lot in a day once a week.
If you are fortunate enough to have a kitchen garden you can easily throw together these yummy & quick sandwiches for a little picnic, special luncheon or a leisurely lunch that is sure to become a family favorite!

1- 8 oz. package of Cream Cheese, softened
2 tsp. mayonnaise
1/2 tsp. lemon juice
1/2 cup fresh* herbs, finely chopped such as: chives, thyme, parsley and basil
8 slices Old World bread, sliced
2 cucumbers, peeled and sliced thin
1. Combine first 4 ingredients and blend until thoroughly mixed.
2. Spread on bread; then layer cucumbers on bread about 2 slices thick. Close sandwiches and serve cool.
This is so refreshing on a hot summer day!
*To interchange dry herbs for fresh cut the amount to 1/4 cup scant~ but I recommend using fresh!
Happy Day,

Saturday, April 14, 2012
Planting A Spring Garden, Checking your soil, Cold Frames, and yummy Cheddar & Onion Pie!
Planting A Spring Garden, Checking your soil, Cold Frames, and yummy Cheddar & Onion Pie!
"In all things of nature there is something of the marvelous." AristotleIt's still winter, can you believe it? We were sitting on the front porch last evening watching the lightning and listening to the thunder claps & rain. I had been working in my flower beds & cleaning up the yard running around all day bare foot! I can handle this kind of winter any day of the week. I planted some Rhubarb Chard & Golden Chard today in the raised beds in the front garden. They will be able to handle a frost and even a bit of snow~ although I will cover them if we get some of the white stuff. About 4 years ago we had a snow storm on Easter, after all we live in Michigan and anything can happen. But today I was bare foot and that's all that I care about.
But on to the topic at hand~ planting. What can you get away with planting right now you ask. Well there are a few things that will tolerate light frosts and even a light snow. So if you want to live life with some adventure here are a few things you can go ahead and try if you have a garden site that the soil is 'fit' to plant in. By fit I mean that it is not too wet. To check your soil, take a hand full of soil and squeeze it into a ball. If it doesn't hold it's shape then it is dry enough, if it stays in a wad then it is too wet, wait a bit longer.
Here are some things you can plant right now:
*Spinach, Chard, Scallions, Peas, Radishes, Lettuces such as May Queen, Butter Crunch, Merriville de'Four Seasons, Green or Red Deer Tongue, Lolla Rosa to give you a few ideas.
As I mentioned above, if we do happen to get some serious snow, than you might want to cover your seedlings. Most of these things will tolerate and even taste better with a bit of snow & frost, the worst that will happen is the tips will get burned looking and a bit ugly. That is easy enough to snip off before you cook it though. Also, please remember I live in the Thumb of Michigan, so these are tips for folks who live in similar climates.
If you are serious about wanting to have early spring garden stuff or even would like to experiment with the cold winter months, than look into building a Cold Frame. The best book out there for this type of info is Eliot Coleman's "Four-Season Harvest". There are many styles to choose from starting with a simple straw bale structure to an elaborate glass pained wooden structure with hinges. The following information is adapted from Four Season Harvest.
*There are two parts to a cold frame- the sides & top. "The sides can be made of almost any material- boards, concrete blocks, bales of hay, logs...." according to Coleman. He recommends boards, but they all work.
*The tops need to be for the light! You can use old storm windows, wooden frames with plastic sheeting adhered to it or anything that will cover the top and be translucent enough to let the light shine in.
*"Traditional home garden cold frames measure 4 to 6 feet front to back and are 8 to 12 feet long. They are laid out with the long dimension running east to west. the frame should be just tall enough to clear the crops you plan to grow. In the standard design, the back walls 12 inches height and the front wall 8 inches high, so that there is a slight slope to the south," according to Coleman.
*The tops can be hinged or just set on. But either way I would personally recommend putting weights on each of the four corners to prevent them from flying off in high winds.
These are just a few basic steps in building your own cold frame. Again to get greater detail & design drawings refer to Coleman's book or Google it!Who says onions are just for salad & burgers? Try this delicious savory onion & cheddar pie!
Cheddar & Onion Pie2 Cups crackers crushed, Club crackers are very good
1/2 cup butter, melted
2 each red & yellow onions from Garden Gate, sliced thin
2 Tbsp. Olive Oil
1 cup milk
1/4 tsp. Creole Seasoning mix
2 eggs from Garden Gate, beaten
1 cup Cheddar Cheese
1. Combine cracker crumbs with butter; set aside one cup. Press remaining crumb mixture into the bottom and up the sides of a 9" deep dish pie plate.
2. Saute onions in oil until transparent and tender, about 10 minutes.
3. Spread drained onions over crust.
4. In a saucepan over medium heat, combine milk and seasoning; without bringing to a boil, cook until heated through. Turn off heat; stir in eggs and cheese. Continue to stir until cheese melts. Spoon over onions; top with reserved crumb mixture.
5. Bake at 325 degrees for about 40-45 minutes- until eggs are set.
Happy Day,
"In all things of nature there is something of the marvelous." AristotleIt's still winter, can you believe it? We were sitting on the front porch last evening watching the lightning and listening to the thunder claps & rain. I had been working in my flower beds & cleaning up the yard running around all day bare foot! I can handle this kind of winter any day of the week. I planted some Rhubarb Chard & Golden Chard today in the raised beds in the front garden. They will be able to handle a frost and even a bit of snow~ although I will cover them if we get some of the white stuff. About 4 years ago we had a snow storm on Easter, after all we live in Michigan and anything can happen. But today I was bare foot and that's all that I care about.
But on to the topic at hand~ planting. What can you get away with planting right now you ask. Well there are a few things that will tolerate light frosts and even a light snow. So if you want to live life with some adventure here are a few things you can go ahead and try if you have a garden site that the soil is 'fit' to plant in. By fit I mean that it is not too wet. To check your soil, take a hand full of soil and squeeze it into a ball. If it doesn't hold it's shape then it is dry enough, if it stays in a wad then it is too wet, wait a bit longer.
Here are some things you can plant right now:
*Spinach, Chard, Scallions, Peas, Radishes, Lettuces such as May Queen, Butter Crunch, Merriville de'Four Seasons, Green or Red Deer Tongue, Lolla Rosa to give you a few ideas.
As I mentioned above, if we do happen to get some serious snow, than you might want to cover your seedlings. Most of these things will tolerate and even taste better with a bit of snow & frost, the worst that will happen is the tips will get burned looking and a bit ugly. That is easy enough to snip off before you cook it though. Also, please remember I live in the Thumb of Michigan, so these are tips for folks who live in similar climates.
If you are serious about wanting to have early spring garden stuff or even would like to experiment with the cold winter months, than look into building a Cold Frame. The best book out there for this type of info is Eliot Coleman's "Four-Season Harvest". There are many styles to choose from starting with a simple straw bale structure to an elaborate glass pained wooden structure with hinges. The following information is adapted from Four Season Harvest.
*There are two parts to a cold frame- the sides & top. "The sides can be made of almost any material- boards, concrete blocks, bales of hay, logs...." according to Coleman. He recommends boards, but they all work.
*The tops need to be for the light! You can use old storm windows, wooden frames with plastic sheeting adhered to it or anything that will cover the top and be translucent enough to let the light shine in.
*"Traditional home garden cold frames measure 4 to 6 feet front to back and are 8 to 12 feet long. They are laid out with the long dimension running east to west. the frame should be just tall enough to clear the crops you plan to grow. In the standard design, the back walls 12 inches height and the front wall 8 inches high, so that there is a slight slope to the south," according to Coleman.
*The tops can be hinged or just set on. But either way I would personally recommend putting weights on each of the four corners to prevent them from flying off in high winds.
These are just a few basic steps in building your own cold frame. Again to get greater detail & design drawings refer to Coleman's book or Google it!Who says onions are just for salad & burgers? Try this delicious savory onion & cheddar pie!
Cheddar & Onion Pie2 Cups crackers crushed, Club crackers are very good
1/2 cup butter, melted
2 each red & yellow onions from Garden Gate, sliced thin
2 Tbsp. Olive Oil
1 cup milk
1/4 tsp. Creole Seasoning mix
2 eggs from Garden Gate, beaten
1 cup Cheddar Cheese
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A drawing of a kitchen garden, quite elaborate but wonderful. |
2. Saute onions in oil until transparent and tender, about 10 minutes.
3. Spread drained onions over crust.
4. In a saucepan over medium heat, combine milk and seasoning; without bringing to a boil, cook until heated through. Turn off heat; stir in eggs and cheese. Continue to stir until cheese melts. Spoon over onions; top with reserved crumb mixture.
5. Bake at 325 degrees for about 40-45 minutes- until eggs are set.
Happy Day,
Friday, April 13, 2012
More Garden Themes, Beautiful Ice Cubes, Two Super Meatless Sandwich's!
"Don't judge each day by the harvest you reap, but by the seeds that you plant." Robert Louis Stevenson
More Garden Themes, Beautiful Ice Cubes, Two Super Meatless Sandwich's!
Today was magnificent! The sun was shining and the warmth it gave was strength for the soul. We worked outside all day~ Neil cleaned out the very messy garage; Taylor washed all the windows in & out; I got flower & raised beds cleaned up with some help, my front porch swept & tidied up and my potting shed all cleaned out~ that was a job. It seems every fall when 'stuff' is getting picked up and put away, it all goes into 'my' shed! Kyle was helping me and he very innocently say's, "You do this every spring mom." I'm like, no kidding! But that's OK, I love getting in there and finding all the 'clearance' garden stuff I stashed away last fall in anticipation for the next summer. After school Kyle and Ethan were outside with Evan helping him fill his bird feeders~ they are so sweet to their baby brother! It paid off, Evan's boo~jays were there shortly after. As I was meandering through the flower beds and cleaning, of course I am thinking what needs to be replaced, added and thinned out. Gardening is a job, but when it is your passion it is so worth while. Today is going to be the last for ideas on Garden Themes, so I thought we would end with a few I was saving for last.
Many people think flowers are just for looking at, cutting for arrangements or giving as gifts~ have you ever thought about eating some? Edible flower's are much more common in the many gardening magazines the last few years. I love to include pansies and nasturtiums in my salads, they don't just add beauty but they really are yummy~ Nasturtiums add a 'peppery' flavor. Here are a more edibles, try planting them in your kitchen garden, in pots or in your veggie garden. Especially nasturtiums, they should go with your tomato plants!
*All herbs of course, scented geraniums, viola, violets, pansies, nasturtiums, dandelion petals & leafs, hibiscus, johnny jump ups, rose petals, snapdragons, day lily and calendula petals. There are many more and if you are interested in finding more out on edible plants, a good book is, "Edible Wild Plants~ A North American Field Guide, by Thomas S. Elias & Peter A. Dikeman. As with all plants, be sure to read about them before ingesting because some need to be had in moderation and some do not go well with certain medications.
*Tea Gardens are always fun simply because of what you can plan with them, who doesn't love a Tea Party? Creating a Tea Garden is very special, it is beautiful and practical. Here are some easy to grow plants that make superb teas and blends.
*Lemon Balm, Raspberry leaves, Mints including but not limited to: Spearmint, Pineapple, Apple, Balsam, Orange, Peppermint; Sage, Rose & Chamomile. This is a very small list but some of the most common to give you a start.
*Beautiful Ice Cubes~ If you are having some friends over or are planning any type of party here is a very easy yet elegant idea to spruce up your beverages. First boil enough water to fill 4 ice cube trays. After the water is boiled pour into ice cube trays and drop in 2 Johnny Jump Up's or Viola's into each insert. Freeze. Pop out when ready to use and hear the 'ahhs'. The boiling of water makes it so the water is crystal clear.
We don't always need meat on our sandwiches, despite what my husband thinks :-) ! Some days you just want it light & simple. Here are two yummy treats that are sure to please!
Farm Fresh eggs are a farmer's market delight, especially when you get them from The Garden Gate!
Egg Salad on Sour Dough
4 eggs from Garden Gate, hard boiled, peeled and chopped
1/4 cup red onion from Garden Gate, finely chopped
1/2 cup mayonnaise, divided
1 tsp salt
1/2 stick butter, softened
1 loaf of Sour Dough Bread
1. Using a fork, mash eggs, stir in onion, seasoning and 1/2 the mayo.
2. Cut the loaf in slices, about 8 will do. Cut the crust* off. Spread the butter evenly on 4 of the slices and the remaining mayo on the other 4 slices.
3. Spoon on egg mixture evenly between 4 slices; top with other.
What to do with radishes other than throw them on a salad or dip in salt and crunch! Radishes have more uses than that. Here is a fun treat to change things up. Serve with your favorite soup and a fresh fruit salad, Superb!
Spicy Radish Sandwiches
10 radishes from Garden Gate, washed, trimmed and thinly slice
4 Tbsp. butter, softened
3 Tbsp. fresh chives from Garden Gate, chopped and divided
1 Tbsp. toasted sesame seed
3/4 tsp. fresh ginger, peeled and grated
1/4 tsp. olive oil
1/4 tsp. each salt & pepper 1 baguette, sliced 1/4 inch thick
1. Mix butter, 2 Tbsp. of the chives, sesame seed, ginger and oil in a bowl. Sprinkle with salt & pepper.
2. Spread mixture over one side of each baguette slice. Top with radishes, overlapping slightly. Sprinkle with remaining chives.
Happy Day,
More Garden Themes, Beautiful Ice Cubes, Two Super Meatless Sandwich's!
Today was magnificent! The sun was shining and the warmth it gave was strength for the soul. We worked outside all day~ Neil cleaned out the very messy garage; Taylor washed all the windows in & out; I got flower & raised beds cleaned up with some help, my front porch swept & tidied up and my potting shed all cleaned out~ that was a job. It seems every fall when 'stuff' is getting picked up and put away, it all goes into 'my' shed! Kyle was helping me and he very innocently say's, "You do this every spring mom." I'm like, no kidding! But that's OK, I love getting in there and finding all the 'clearance' garden stuff I stashed away last fall in anticipation for the next summer. After school Kyle and Ethan were outside with Evan helping him fill his bird feeders~ they are so sweet to their baby brother! It paid off, Evan's boo~jays were there shortly after. As I was meandering through the flower beds and cleaning, of course I am thinking what needs to be replaced, added and thinned out. Gardening is a job, but when it is your passion it is so worth while. Today is going to be the last for ideas on Garden Themes, so I thought we would end with a few I was saving for last.
Many people think flowers are just for looking at, cutting for arrangements or giving as gifts~ have you ever thought about eating some? Edible flower's are much more common in the many gardening magazines the last few years. I love to include pansies and nasturtiums in my salads, they don't just add beauty but they really are yummy~ Nasturtiums add a 'peppery' flavor. Here are a more edibles, try planting them in your kitchen garden, in pots or in your veggie garden. Especially nasturtiums, they should go with your tomato plants!
*All herbs of course, scented geraniums, viola, violets, pansies, nasturtiums, dandelion petals & leafs, hibiscus, johnny jump ups, rose petals, snapdragons, day lily and calendula petals. There are many more and if you are interested in finding more out on edible plants, a good book is, "Edible Wild Plants~ A North American Field Guide, by Thomas S. Elias & Peter A. Dikeman. As with all plants, be sure to read about them before ingesting because some need to be had in moderation and some do not go well with certain medications.
*Tea Gardens are always fun simply because of what you can plan with them, who doesn't love a Tea Party? Creating a Tea Garden is very special, it is beautiful and practical. Here are some easy to grow plants that make superb teas and blends.
*Lemon Balm, Raspberry leaves, Mints including but not limited to: Spearmint, Pineapple, Apple, Balsam, Orange, Peppermint; Sage, Rose & Chamomile. This is a very small list but some of the most common to give you a start.
*Beautiful Ice Cubes~ If you are having some friends over or are planning any type of party here is a very easy yet elegant idea to spruce up your beverages. First boil enough water to fill 4 ice cube trays. After the water is boiled pour into ice cube trays and drop in 2 Johnny Jump Up's or Viola's into each insert. Freeze. Pop out when ready to use and hear the 'ahhs'. The boiling of water makes it so the water is crystal clear.
We don't always need meat on our sandwiches, despite what my husband thinks :-) ! Some days you just want it light & simple. Here are two yummy treats that are sure to please!
Farm Fresh eggs are a farmer's market delight, especially when you get them from The Garden Gate!
Egg Salad on Sour Dough
4 eggs from Garden Gate, hard boiled, peeled and chopped
1/4 cup red onion from Garden Gate, finely chopped
1/2 cup mayonnaise, divided
1 tsp salt
1/2 stick butter, softened
1 loaf of Sour Dough Bread
1. Using a fork, mash eggs, stir in onion, seasoning and 1/2 the mayo.
2. Cut the loaf in slices, about 8 will do. Cut the crust* off. Spread the butter evenly on 4 of the slices and the remaining mayo on the other 4 slices.
3. Spoon on egg mixture evenly between 4 slices; top with other.
What to do with radishes other than throw them on a salad or dip in salt and crunch! Radishes have more uses than that. Here is a fun treat to change things up. Serve with your favorite soup and a fresh fruit salad, Superb!
Spicy Radish Sandwiches
10 radishes from Garden Gate, washed, trimmed and thinly slice
4 Tbsp. butter, softened
3 Tbsp. fresh chives from Garden Gate, chopped and divided
1 Tbsp. toasted sesame seed
3/4 tsp. fresh ginger, peeled and grated
1/4 tsp. olive oil
1/4 tsp. each salt & pepper 1 baguette, sliced 1/4 inch thick
1. Mix butter, 2 Tbsp. of the chives, sesame seed, ginger and oil in a bowl. Sprinkle with salt & pepper.
2. Spread mixture over one side of each baguette slice. Top with radishes, overlapping slightly. Sprinkle with remaining chives.
Happy Day,
Thursday, April 12, 2012
More Garden Themes, Living Wreaths, Yummy Nested Eggs Using in season Green's from the Farmers Market!
*Old Fashioned Cottage Garden are my favorite. All of my gardens are Cottage type simply because I love the natural way they feel and look, not all fuss & pomp, just calm and relaxing. I think that is why I love them, most often life is not any of these and I can escape to the garden's and simply be there. There are certain flowers that speak specifically in a cottage garden~ Hollyhocks, Delphiniums, Foxglove, Bleeding Heart, Climbing Roses, Peony, Phlox, and of course one of my personal favorites, Lupine's. We use to have a childrens story book called, The Lupine Lady. I don't know the author any longer, but I use to love to read it to the children, it was just a happy book! My garden's incorporate picket fences, old wooden posts, arbors and a pergola. This picture is of my front arbor and fence with a Sweet Autumn Clematis growing on it just starting to bloom. These are one of my favorite climbers. They are breathtaking and car stopping when in full bloom, around the end of August. Country Garden's magazine is jammed packed with beautiful garden idea's for creating Cottage Gardens. If you haven't picked up a copy yet, be forewarned, once you start you'll be a life long subscriber!
*Here is a fun project if you are a Bible reader or even if you are not. Plant a Bible Garden- the following plants can be found at the listed verses in the King James Version. Try having a trivia game using the following plants & see who knows where these plants can be found. See who the Bible scholars are!
Rose of Sharon- Song of Solomon 2.1 Roots- Job 30.4
Rue- Luke 11.42 Saffron- Song of Solomon 4.14
Hyssop- Hebrews 9.19 Mint- Mathew 23.23
Anise- Mathew 23.23
*Living Wreaths~ As most of you know we are Farmer's Market vendors. At a market I use to participate in there was a vendor that created the most beautiful Living Wreaths. I gathered the following tips from Country Gardens magazine, Early Spring Issue 2009, Vol. 18, No.1 on how to market them. They are fairly simple and inexpensive to make on your own, and if properly cared for will last you all summer long. You will need a few supplies- here is a brief outline of material's & how to!
*First gather your supplies~ At least a 16" metal wreath form or Grape Vine wreath with pocket, 16oz. bag of Sphagnum moss, small bag organic potting mix, about 12-18 plants- choose one or two varieties; when choosing your plants decide if this wreath is going to be in the sun or shade- this will make a big difference on your selections, green florist wire.
*Choose your plants:
~Shady plants that work well are impatiens, ivy, button ferns or tuberous begonias.
~Sunny plants that work well are pansies, petunias or herbs. A mixture of Thyme's, viola's and a variegated spearmint is just stunning, not to mention smells scrumptious.
*Step 1: Soak moss well in bucket (about 10 minutes) of water and then drain. It should be damp & pliable. Attach a short length of doubled wire to the back of the wreath form, so it will be easy to hang. Place three or four such lengths, evenly spaced, on the back of the wreath so that it can be turned to keep it growing evenly.
*Step 2: Line the form with the moss, with the green mossy side facing out, like fitting rolled out dough in a pie pan. Overlap pieces of moss and patch as you go.
Step 3: Make sure the moss overlaps both upper edges of the form or grape vine basket by a couple of inches. Fill the form about 3/4 full with the potting mix.
Step 4: Arrange the plants on top of the soil. When you are happy with your design, take the plants out of their pots and plant them.
Step 5: Give the wreath a full look by planting the sides as well. Poke holes through the moss in three or four places around the sides of the form, and carefully insert a plant in each hole.
Step 6: Tuck the overlapping edges of the moss over the top, around the crowns of the plants. The moss holds the plants in place until their roots have taken grip. It also helps keep the soil from drying out and falling out when watered.
Step 7: Secure on end of the florists wire to the back of the wreath form. Wrap wire around the front and back, moving in a spiral all the way around. Cut the wire and twist the end onto the form.
This is a beautiful gift as well, and homemade with love can't be more special!
Some people are afraid of Greens simply because they have never been exposed to them, they sound too different or they are just not a real 'go getter' with new foods. Then there are those that dive at the market table when the greens are spread before them. What constitutes the name 'greens' other than the obvious~ lettuces the curious one asks. Well greens include kale, chard, spinach, mustard's, arugula, endive to name the most common. Usually a 'salad mix' of greens includes many of the above combined together to make a yummy salad. Most often when cooked alone these things are steamed or wilted. But there are so many other options! Here is a really yummy recipe, remember that you can interchange any of the above for the 'green' in the ingredients!
Soft Boiled Eggs in a 'Green' Nest
1 Bunch of Chard, Kale or Spinach from Garden Gate, stems & ribs discarded
1 1/2 Tbsp. Olive Oil
1/4 tsp Red Pepper flakes from
1/2 tsp salt
4 Eggs from Garden Gate
1. Preheat oven to 300 degrees. Chop your greens into bite size pieces and toss in the oil and seasoning to coat evenly. Spread evenly in the bottom of a 10"x10" glass baking dish and bake for about 30-40 minutes, till crisp. Remove from oven and divide into 2 bowls and create a 'nest' with a hole in the center.
2. While greens are baking, bring a 2 quart pot of water to a rolling boil and gently lower eggs into water, turn off heat and cover. Let eggs sit in water for 6 1/2 minutes for soft boiled eggs.
3. Transfer eggs to a bowl of ice water and let sit for about 1/2 minute. Working carefully and quickly, peel eggs, and place in center of nests. Season with Matt's Mix and serve immediately.
Happy Day,
*Here is a fun project if you are a Bible reader or even if you are not. Plant a Bible Garden- the following plants can be found at the listed verses in the King James Version. Try having a trivia game using the following plants & see who knows where these plants can be found. See who the Bible scholars are!
Rose of Sharon- Song of Solomon 2.1 Roots- Job 30.4
Rue- Luke 11.42 Saffron- Song of Solomon 4.14
Hyssop- Hebrews 9.19 Mint- Mathew 23.23
Anise- Mathew 23.23
*Living Wreaths~ As most of you know we are Farmer's Market vendors. At a market I use to participate in there was a vendor that created the most beautiful Living Wreaths. I gathered the following tips from Country Gardens magazine, Early Spring Issue 2009, Vol. 18, No.1 on how to market them. They are fairly simple and inexpensive to make on your own, and if properly cared for will last you all summer long. You will need a few supplies- here is a brief outline of material's & how to!
*First gather your supplies~ At least a 16" metal wreath form or Grape Vine wreath with pocket, 16oz. bag of Sphagnum moss, small bag organic potting mix, about 12-18 plants- choose one or two varieties; when choosing your plants decide if this wreath is going to be in the sun or shade- this will make a big difference on your selections, green florist wire.
*Choose your plants:
~Shady plants that work well are impatiens, ivy, button ferns or tuberous begonias.
~Sunny plants that work well are pansies, petunias or herbs. A mixture of Thyme's, viola's and a variegated spearmint is just stunning, not to mention smells scrumptious.
*Step 1: Soak moss well in bucket (about 10 minutes) of water and then drain. It should be damp & pliable. Attach a short length of doubled wire to the back of the wreath form, so it will be easy to hang. Place three or four such lengths, evenly spaced, on the back of the wreath so that it can be turned to keep it growing evenly.
*Step 2: Line the form with the moss, with the green mossy side facing out, like fitting rolled out dough in a pie pan. Overlap pieces of moss and patch as you go.
Step 3: Make sure the moss overlaps both upper edges of the form or grape vine basket by a couple of inches. Fill the form about 3/4 full with the potting mix.
Step 4: Arrange the plants on top of the soil. When you are happy with your design, take the plants out of their pots and plant them.
Step 5: Give the wreath a full look by planting the sides as well. Poke holes through the moss in three or four places around the sides of the form, and carefully insert a plant in each hole.
Step 6: Tuck the overlapping edges of the moss over the top, around the crowns of the plants. The moss holds the plants in place until their roots have taken grip. It also helps keep the soil from drying out and falling out when watered.
Step 7: Secure on end of the florists wire to the back of the wreath form. Wrap wire around the front and back, moving in a spiral all the way around. Cut the wire and twist the end onto the form.
This is a beautiful gift as well, and homemade with love can't be more special!
Some people are afraid of Greens simply because they have never been exposed to them, they sound too different or they are just not a real 'go getter' with new foods. Then there are those that dive at the market table when the greens are spread before them. What constitutes the name 'greens' other than the obvious~ lettuces the curious one asks. Well greens include kale, chard, spinach, mustard's, arugula, endive to name the most common. Usually a 'salad mix' of greens includes many of the above combined together to make a yummy salad. Most often when cooked alone these things are steamed or wilted. But there are so many other options! Here is a really yummy recipe, remember that you can interchange any of the above for the 'green' in the ingredients!
Soft Boiled Eggs in a 'Green' Nest
1 Bunch of Chard, Kale or Spinach from Garden Gate, stems & ribs discarded
1 1/2 Tbsp. Olive Oil
1/4 tsp Red Pepper flakes from
1/2 tsp salt
4 Eggs from Garden Gate
1. Preheat oven to 300 degrees. Chop your greens into bite size pieces and toss in the oil and seasoning to coat evenly. Spread evenly in the bottom of a 10"x10" glass baking dish and bake for about 30-40 minutes, till crisp. Remove from oven and divide into 2 bowls and create a 'nest' with a hole in the center.
2. While greens are baking, bring a 2 quart pot of water to a rolling boil and gently lower eggs into water, turn off heat and cover. Let eggs sit in water for 6 1/2 minutes for soft boiled eggs.
3. Transfer eggs to a bowl of ice water and let sit for about 1/2 minute. Working carefully and quickly, peel eggs, and place in center of nests. Season with Matt's Mix and serve immediately.
Happy Day,
Sunday, April 8, 2012
Children's Gardens & more themes, Butterfly Kisses & a super Yummy Apple 'Breakfast' Pie!
Each Spring my children get pretty enthusiastic about planting 'their' own garden plots. Ryan, my soon to be 10year old is always right there ready to get going. Last year he gathered several old bricks he discovered and made small 'raised' beds. He dug around to loosen the dirt and proceeded to plant his tomato plants along side basil, nasturtiums & marigolds. He has learned the art of Companion Planting like a true gardener! Taylor & Kyle are usually in competition as to who's garden shall yield the greatest bounty and there-by collect the most funds from dad 'n' mom! The problem most often is that the thrill doesn't always last through till the harvest~ before the harvest is weeding & tending~ not such glamorous tasks as the planting! But they are learning and I believe will someday have beautiful flower & veggie gardens for me to walk through!
But in the meantime here are a few more Garden Themes to dream about & work toward!
The first is a lovely *Children's Garden~ Sunflower Houses~ A good friend of mine has a really neat book called Roots, Shoots, Buckets & Boots by Sharon Lovejoy. It is a book all about different children's garden theme's. One that struck us most was a sunflower house. It is so fun & incredibly simple~ first find the perfect spot, a sunny corner in the far back of your veggie garden works well~ or in a flower bed if you have room~ figure about a 6'x6' area. You will need the Giant Grey Stripe or Mammoth Sunflower's or even better a combo of both. Using a stick for a marker, draw out the area in the dirt, any shape you want will do~ round, diamond, square, whatever~ then plant the seeds according to package directions. Be sure to leave enough of an opening for an entrance. Once the seeds start to sprout reseed where any didn't germinate so you have a complete 'wall'. After your sunflowers are about six inches high plant Morning Glory seeds at the base of some of the sunflowers~ about every six would be good. To make a roof over your hide away, take twine and go around the tops of the sunflowers to make criss~cross sections for the morning glories to climb over. Once your sunflowers and morning glories are full grown it will be the perfect spot for picnics, story time or playing house. Your children will love it!
other stuff for the Children to plant.... Children love to plant and if you give them something fun to grow it can even be more special! Let them plant some decorative gourds. There are more varieties than you can shake a stick at including Swan, Bottle, Snake, Apple and even a Dinosaur Gourd. Let them page the seed catalogs with you and have them pick what interests them. There are books that teach the art of Gourdology which can be found at your local library. The garden project can at harvest time become a craft project!
Are you a crafty type of person? Why not try growing your own Wreath Garden. With the cost of materials these days, a package of seeds will go a long way in the savings department. Try growing these easy plants and who knows you might even be able to start a little business with your craft!
*Flowers that work well for Wreath's include~ boxwood, sweet annie, yarrow, bay, statice, artemisias and gomphrena.
*Ditch Garden~ Do you have a ditch in front or alongside your home that just screams 'do something with me'? It is always an eye soar and you just don't really have the time to tend another garden? You want something but would like a maintainence free space that looks good without a lot of effort? I did, so last year I attacked the ditch that runs along the road in the front of our yard. My ditch is often fairly wet so my choice was a day lily patch. Here are two very quick & simple solutions if you have a similar dilemma. First & foremost determine how often and to what degree the area is wet. This will determine if you do a Wild Flower or Day Lily Garden. Next, if tilling is a possibility rotor~till up the section to be seeded/planted. If the area is not tillable due to moisture you will need to do a Day Lily garden. If this is the solution, dig holes about every two feet and plant a clump of day lilies. They can handle the early spring moisture and tolerate the dry & hot summer days that hit Michigan. If the area is not overly moist and tilling is an option, simply scatter Wild Flower seeds in it. After a couple years you will have a breathtaking, car slowing garden that will never be an eye soar again. Which ever you decide will best fit your space, be sure to check planting directions/requirements before you put all the work into it.
What are Butterfly Kisses you ask? These have been shared in my gardens for many years by me & all my children. They are the sweetest way to give that little person in your life a 'special' kiss & I love you. So here are step by step instructions for those who are interested!
*First, find one or more of your favorite children.
*Next, stand them close to you and get down to their level~ face to face!
*Getting right up close in their face, put your eye up against their eye and blink as quickly as you can! Be sure to tell the child to do the same! The child will of course giggle and ask for tons more and of course you will gladly oblige!
That's a Butterfly Kiss, and of course they are most fun in a garden!
Who says Apple Pie is just for desert? This yummy Apple Pie will surprise the ones you love around the table, give it a try!
Apple 'Breakfast' Pie
1 beaten Egg, from Garden Gate
1/4 cup oil
1 cup milk
1 1/2 cup Pancake Mix from Taylor's Bake Shoppe
1/2 cup plus 2 Tbsp. Vanilla Sugar
2 Granny Smith apples cored & wedged
1/2 tsp. Cinnamon
1/4 tsp. Nutmeg
2 Tbsp. butter
Add about 1/2 cup nuts is you would like!
Top it with some Whipped Cream or Ice Cream~ Yummy!
1. Beat the egg, oil & milk together and then add Pancake mix, 1/2 cup of sugar and nuts if using. Beat until smooth, but don't over beat.
2. Pour into a greased 10" pie plate.
3. Arrange the apples evenly over batter. Combine the 2 Tbsp. of sugar with cinnamon & nutmeg; sprinkle over the apples. Dot with butter.
4. Bake at 375 degrees for about 30- 35 minutes or until apples when poked feel tender. Serve warm with your choice of topping.
Happy Day,
But in the meantime here are a few more Garden Themes to dream about & work toward!
The first is a lovely *Children's Garden~ Sunflower Houses~ A good friend of mine has a really neat book called Roots, Shoots, Buckets & Boots by Sharon Lovejoy. It is a book all about different children's garden theme's. One that struck us most was a sunflower house. It is so fun & incredibly simple~ first find the perfect spot, a sunny corner in the far back of your veggie garden works well~ or in a flower bed if you have room~ figure about a 6'x6' area. You will need the Giant Grey Stripe or Mammoth Sunflower's or even better a combo of both. Using a stick for a marker, draw out the area in the dirt, any shape you want will do~ round, diamond, square, whatever~ then plant the seeds according to package directions. Be sure to leave enough of an opening for an entrance. Once the seeds start to sprout reseed where any didn't germinate so you have a complete 'wall'. After your sunflowers are about six inches high plant Morning Glory seeds at the base of some of the sunflowers~ about every six would be good. To make a roof over your hide away, take twine and go around the tops of the sunflowers to make criss~cross sections for the morning glories to climb over. Once your sunflowers and morning glories are full grown it will be the perfect spot for picnics, story time or playing house. Your children will love it!
other stuff for the Children to plant.... Children love to plant and if you give them something fun to grow it can even be more special! Let them plant some decorative gourds. There are more varieties than you can shake a stick at including Swan, Bottle, Snake, Apple and even a Dinosaur Gourd. Let them page the seed catalogs with you and have them pick what interests them. There are books that teach the art of Gourdology which can be found at your local library. The garden project can at harvest time become a craft project!
Are you a crafty type of person? Why not try growing your own Wreath Garden. With the cost of materials these days, a package of seeds will go a long way in the savings department. Try growing these easy plants and who knows you might even be able to start a little business with your craft!
*Flowers that work well for Wreath's include~ boxwood, sweet annie, yarrow, bay, statice, artemisias and gomphrena.
*Ditch Garden~ Do you have a ditch in front or alongside your home that just screams 'do something with me'? It is always an eye soar and you just don't really have the time to tend another garden? You want something but would like a maintainence free space that looks good without a lot of effort? I did, so last year I attacked the ditch that runs along the road in the front of our yard. My ditch is often fairly wet so my choice was a day lily patch. Here are two very quick & simple solutions if you have a similar dilemma. First & foremost determine how often and to what degree the area is wet. This will determine if you do a Wild Flower or Day Lily Garden. Next, if tilling is a possibility rotor~till up the section to be seeded/planted. If the area is not tillable due to moisture you will need to do a Day Lily garden. If this is the solution, dig holes about every two feet and plant a clump of day lilies. They can handle the early spring moisture and tolerate the dry & hot summer days that hit Michigan. If the area is not overly moist and tilling is an option, simply scatter Wild Flower seeds in it. After a couple years you will have a breathtaking, car slowing garden that will never be an eye soar again. Which ever you decide will best fit your space, be sure to check planting directions/requirements before you put all the work into it.
What are Butterfly Kisses you ask? These have been shared in my gardens for many years by me & all my children. They are the sweetest way to give that little person in your life a 'special' kiss & I love you. So here are step by step instructions for those who are interested!
*First, find one or more of your favorite children.
*Next, stand them close to you and get down to their level~ face to face!
*Getting right up close in their face, put your eye up against their eye and blink as quickly as you can! Be sure to tell the child to do the same! The child will of course giggle and ask for tons more and of course you will gladly oblige!
That's a Butterfly Kiss, and of course they are most fun in a garden!
Who says Apple Pie is just for desert? This yummy Apple Pie will surprise the ones you love around the table, give it a try!
Apple 'Breakfast' Pie
1 beaten Egg, from Garden Gate
1/4 cup oil
1 cup milk
1 1/2 cup Pancake Mix from Taylor's Bake Shoppe
1/2 cup plus 2 Tbsp. Vanilla Sugar
2 Granny Smith apples cored & wedged
1/2 tsp. Cinnamon
1/4 tsp. Nutmeg
2 Tbsp. butter
Add about 1/2 cup nuts is you would like!
Top it with some Whipped Cream or Ice Cream~ Yummy!
1. Beat the egg, oil & milk together and then add Pancake mix, 1/2 cup of sugar and nuts if using. Beat until smooth, but don't over beat.
2. Pour into a greased 10" pie plate.
3. Arrange the apples evenly over batter. Combine the 2 Tbsp. of sugar with cinnamon & nutmeg; sprinkle over the apples. Dot with butter.
4. Bake at 375 degrees for about 30- 35 minutes or until apples when poked feel tender. Serve warm with your choice of topping.
Happy Day,
Apple Pie,
Buckets and Boots,
Childrens Gardens,
Companion Planting,
Garden Themes,
Sharon Lovejoy,
Sunflower Houses,
The Garden Gate Farm,
Thursday, April 5, 2012
More Garden Theme's~ Shakespeare Garden's & more, Herbed Mushroom Omelets
"To own a bit of ground, to scratch it with a hoe, to plant seeds, and watch the renewal of life... this is the commonest delight of the race, the most satisfactory thing a man can do." Charles Dudley Warner
Gardens are such a joy and can be an inspiration to others. When one walks through a garden they should be welcomed by a warm, fuzzy feeling that grabs hold of them to the point of not wanting to leave. Quiet, rest and peacefulness ought to be the theme of every garden, and it can be accomplished simply by making it a small reflection of who you are. When your friends are there it should be a time of not just visiting, but sharing secrets of both joy and sadness; a place where memories are in the making. A garden says so much about it's creator~ favorite plants, colors, garden style~ mine is all cottage! My hope is that these writings will stimulate that new, hopeful gardener to dive into a new project or inspire the one that has it 'all' to do something new. Gardening is meant to be a joy, so be joyful & garden!
As I mentioned in the previous entry I am going to discuss for a few days some different Garden Themes.
Many people are moved by Shakespeare's writings and find his work quite fascinating. Some may have even heard of a Shakespeare Garden Theme. This garden represents plants that have been mentioned in many of his writings. As you will notice, many of the plants listed are herbs, and therefore an Herb Garden would be a great way to incorporate this into your yard! Remember, as with all gardens consider your area, drainage, available sunlight or lack of, and the plants growing habits. As always, I suggest drawing it out and planning before you start~ this always saves a lot of disappointment.
*Mustard *Strawberry
*Parsley *Calendula
*Bay *Carnation
*Burnet *Columbine
*Savory *Flax
*Thyme *Pink Rose
*Marjoram *Hyssop
*Lavender *Johnny Jump Ups
*Lemon Balm *Myrtle
*Chamomile *Flax
*Rosemary *Mint
A few other Garden Themes are....
*Friendship Garden~ This is one of my favorites, and it is so easy to get started! First make a list of some of your best friends and think about their garden's and what they have to offer in the line of perennials. After you decide on your garden location, size and have it prepared for planting, you can begin asking your friends for starts of the plants you want to 'remember' them by. They will be so tickled that they mean that much to you, they will gladly give you a 'baby'. But be careful, you may get a whole group ready to start 'Plant Swapping' and garden making~ now wouldn't that be terrible ;-) !
*Sittin' Garden~ This garden is for quiet times. At our other home I had a special spot where I could look over the garden and watch the birds, bee's and just relax. I took two tree stumps and a wooden slab board; I then laid the board across the two stumps for a very rustic bench. You can use whatever suits your fancy & taste for your quiet spot. Take a cup of tea, coffee or cocoa and just enjoy the moment.
Herbed Mushroom Omelets
Try this yummy treat with of course Garden Gates awesome eggs!
6 eggs beaten from Garden Gate
1 Tbsp. fresh Parsley from Garden Gate
1/4 tsp. of each dried Oregano & Thyme
2 Tbsp. butter, divided
1 1/2 cup Portabello Mushrooms
1. Whisk together eggs & seasonings and set aside.
2. Melt 1/2 the butter in skillet over medium heat and add sliced mushrooms; saute until tender~ about 5-10 minutes. Remove from skillet, set aside.
3. Melt rest of butter in skillet over low heat; pour in half the egg mixture. Stir the eggs slightly, without scrambling. When almost cooked, spoon the mushrooms in and fold over.
Happy Day,
Gardens are such a joy and can be an inspiration to others. When one walks through a garden they should be welcomed by a warm, fuzzy feeling that grabs hold of them to the point of not wanting to leave. Quiet, rest and peacefulness ought to be the theme of every garden, and it can be accomplished simply by making it a small reflection of who you are. When your friends are there it should be a time of not just visiting, but sharing secrets of both joy and sadness; a place where memories are in the making. A garden says so much about it's creator~ favorite plants, colors, garden style~ mine is all cottage! My hope is that these writings will stimulate that new, hopeful gardener to dive into a new project or inspire the one that has it 'all' to do something new. Gardening is meant to be a joy, so be joyful & garden!
As I mentioned in the previous entry I am going to discuss for a few days some different Garden Themes.
Many people are moved by Shakespeare's writings and find his work quite fascinating. Some may have even heard of a Shakespeare Garden Theme. This garden represents plants that have been mentioned in many of his writings. As you will notice, many of the plants listed are herbs, and therefore an Herb Garden would be a great way to incorporate this into your yard! Remember, as with all gardens consider your area, drainage, available sunlight or lack of, and the plants growing habits. As always, I suggest drawing it out and planning before you start~ this always saves a lot of disappointment.
*Mustard *Strawberry
*Parsley *Calendula
*Bay *Carnation
*Burnet *Columbine
*Savory *Flax
*Thyme *Pink Rose
*Marjoram *Hyssop
*Lavender *Johnny Jump Ups
*Lemon Balm *Myrtle
*Chamomile *Flax
*Rosemary *Mint
A few other Garden Themes are....
*Friendship Garden~ This is one of my favorites, and it is so easy to get started! First make a list of some of your best friends and think about their garden's and what they have to offer in the line of perennials. After you decide on your garden location, size and have it prepared for planting, you can begin asking your friends for starts of the plants you want to 'remember' them by. They will be so tickled that they mean that much to you, they will gladly give you a 'baby'. But be careful, you may get a whole group ready to start 'Plant Swapping' and garden making~ now wouldn't that be terrible ;-) !
*Sittin' Garden~ This garden is for quiet times. At our other home I had a special spot where I could look over the garden and watch the birds, bee's and just relax. I took two tree stumps and a wooden slab board; I then laid the board across the two stumps for a very rustic bench. You can use whatever suits your fancy & taste for your quiet spot. Take a cup of tea, coffee or cocoa and just enjoy the moment.
Herbed Mushroom Omelets
Try this yummy treat with of course Garden Gates awesome eggs!
6 eggs beaten from Garden Gate
1 Tbsp. fresh Parsley from Garden Gate
1/4 tsp. of each dried Oregano & Thyme
2 Tbsp. butter, divided
1 1/2 cup Portabello Mushrooms
1. Whisk together eggs & seasonings and set aside.
2. Melt 1/2 the butter in skillet over medium heat and add sliced mushrooms; saute until tender~ about 5-10 minutes. Remove from skillet, set aside.
3. Melt rest of butter in skillet over low heat; pour in half the egg mixture. Stir the eggs slightly, without scrambling. When almost cooked, spoon the mushrooms in and fold over.
Happy Day,
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Plan A New Garden Now, Apple Orchard Strudel
Planning a new garden is always so much fun for me. Each year I get to draw up field, garden and flower bed plot plans! This is one way that I spend my winter days! If you start with a garden journal and jot down what your garden dreams are, add some pictures from magazines~ my personal favorite is Country Gardens~ then you will have a plan of action and goals to work toward. Pre-planning your gardens on paper will give you an idea of space needed & quantity of plants required to have proper fill effect. There will be plants you can start from seed and others that you will need to get from your local nursery. Look in seed catalogs~ we are all getting loads of those and plan for Fall planting of bulbs for next Spring now! You can always tweek things after you start, but having that plan of action will give you a visual aid that is sure to help in the long run. For the next few entries I will be focusing on Garden Themes and helping you plan ahead to get a beautiful and long lasting end result.
Here are a few simpler Garden Themes with some choice plants for each, choose one or all.
*Butterfly Garden~ Purple Cornflowers, Butterfly Bush, Bee Balm, Shasta Daisy, Primrose, any kind of Phlox, Petunias, Cosmos, and single Marigolds.
*Hummingbird Garden~ Trumpet Vine, Wisteria bushes, Morning Glory, Lilac, Bee Balm, Hyssop, Petunias, Lavender, Salvia. Any flower with a tubular flower will be much appreciated by our beautiful feathered friends!
*Bee Garden~ Hyssop, Bee Balm, Lavender, all of the Thymes, any mints, Lemon Balm, Roses, Geraniums.
Moon Garden~
At one of our first home's I planted a Moon Garden for the first time. I had saw the idea in a magazine and thought it would be a neat idea, I had no idea how amazing it would be! In the blackest of nights the garden simply glowed with life and the night insects it attracted was in itself so awesome! Using all white flowers didn't seem that appealing to me at first, I am more of a Pink & Purple kind of girl with a splash of orange & yellow around to add interest- but white against the black night is simply gorgeous. As the moonlight reflects off the flower petals it makes a spectacular silvery light that is breath taking. My Moon Garden was planted directly in front of our living room window where it could be enjoyed either while inside or sitting outside. Here are some flowers to be included as well as some night blooming ones!
*Silver Sage, Carnation, Angels Trumpet, Lambs Ear, Silver Tansy, Yarrow, Silver King & Queen Artemisia, Clary Sage, Horehound, Grey Sanolina, White Petunia's, White Cosmos, Mums, Tulips, Daffodils, Snow Drops and Hyacinths. If you have an arbor plant Sweet Autumn Clematis~ what a show stopper.
*Night Bloomers include Nicotiana, Stock, Roses, Veronica, Impatiens, Alyssium, Azalea and Jasmine.
Make a special day with some friends and go to your local greenhouses to get more ideas. Remember when you are planning your garden's to look at plant blooming times, sun requirements and growth height & habits. Try to choose a selection of plants that will give color starting in early spring through the late fall so you don't miss a beat! The end result will be one you will never regret!
Here is a yummy way to use Cabbage in a not so everyday way!
Apple Orchard Strudel
4 cups cabbage from Garden Gate, finely chopped
1/4 cup onion from Garden Gate, chopped
1 1/2 cups apples , cored, peeled and chopped
1/4 cup sour cream
1 tsp mustard
1 cup shredded Cheddar Cheese
8 sheets frozen phyllo dough, thawed
1 stick butter, melted & divided
1. Add cabbage and onion to a skillet coated with non stick vegetable spray. Cook, covered, over medium heat for about 5 -7 minutes.
2 Mix cabbage mixture with apples in a large bowl, stirring in sour cream and mustard; add to cabbage mixture.
3, Brush one sheet of dough with butter; layer on a second sheet. Continue to brush each sheet of dough with butter and arrange on on top of the other. spoon cabbage mixture down 1/3 of long side of dough.
4. Top mixture with cheese. Beginning with the long side, roll up jelly roll style.
5. Place on a 10"x15" jelly roll pan lightly coated with non stick vegetable spray.
6. Brush dough with remaining butter. Make 1/4 inch deep cuts about 2 inches apart along the length of the dough.
7. Bake at 400 degrees for about 45 minutes. Let stand for about 5 minutes before serving.
Happy Day,
Here are a few simpler Garden Themes with some choice plants for each, choose one or all.
*Butterfly Garden~ Purple Cornflowers, Butterfly Bush, Bee Balm, Shasta Daisy, Primrose, any kind of Phlox, Petunias, Cosmos, and single Marigolds.
*Hummingbird Garden~ Trumpet Vine, Wisteria bushes, Morning Glory, Lilac, Bee Balm, Hyssop, Petunias, Lavender, Salvia. Any flower with a tubular flower will be much appreciated by our beautiful feathered friends!
*Bee Garden~ Hyssop, Bee Balm, Lavender, all of the Thymes, any mints, Lemon Balm, Roses, Geraniums.
Moon Garden~
At one of our first home's I planted a Moon Garden for the first time. I had saw the idea in a magazine and thought it would be a neat idea, I had no idea how amazing it would be! In the blackest of nights the garden simply glowed with life and the night insects it attracted was in itself so awesome! Using all white flowers didn't seem that appealing to me at first, I am more of a Pink & Purple kind of girl with a splash of orange & yellow around to add interest- but white against the black night is simply gorgeous. As the moonlight reflects off the flower petals it makes a spectacular silvery light that is breath taking. My Moon Garden was planted directly in front of our living room window where it could be enjoyed either while inside or sitting outside. Here are some flowers to be included as well as some night blooming ones!
*Silver Sage, Carnation, Angels Trumpet, Lambs Ear, Silver Tansy, Yarrow, Silver King & Queen Artemisia, Clary Sage, Horehound, Grey Sanolina, White Petunia's, White Cosmos, Mums, Tulips, Daffodils, Snow Drops and Hyacinths. If you have an arbor plant Sweet Autumn Clematis~ what a show stopper.
*Night Bloomers include Nicotiana, Stock, Roses, Veronica, Impatiens, Alyssium, Azalea and Jasmine.
Make a special day with some friends and go to your local greenhouses to get more ideas. Remember when you are planning your garden's to look at plant blooming times, sun requirements and growth height & habits. Try to choose a selection of plants that will give color starting in early spring through the late fall so you don't miss a beat! The end result will be one you will never regret!
Here is a yummy way to use Cabbage in a not so everyday way!
Apple Orchard Strudel
4 cups cabbage from Garden Gate, finely chopped
1/4 cup onion from Garden Gate, chopped
1 1/2 cups apples , cored, peeled and chopped
1/4 cup sour cream
1 tsp mustard
1 cup shredded Cheddar Cheese
8 sheets frozen phyllo dough, thawed
1 stick butter, melted & divided
1. Add cabbage and onion to a skillet coated with non stick vegetable spray. Cook, covered, over medium heat for about 5 -7 minutes.
2 Mix cabbage mixture with apples in a large bowl, stirring in sour cream and mustard; add to cabbage mixture.
3, Brush one sheet of dough with butter; layer on a second sheet. Continue to brush each sheet of dough with butter and arrange on on top of the other. spoon cabbage mixture down 1/3 of long side of dough.
4. Top mixture with cheese. Beginning with the long side, roll up jelly roll style.
5. Place on a 10"x15" jelly roll pan lightly coated with non stick vegetable spray.
6. Brush dough with remaining butter. Make 1/4 inch deep cuts about 2 inches apart along the length of the dough.
7. Bake at 400 degrees for about 45 minutes. Let stand for about 5 minutes before serving.
Happy Day,
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Birthday Parties Garden Style with Pretty Posy Favors & Pepper Steak Made Great!
I don't think it is any big surprise when I say that being in the garden is very special for me. All my life we had a garden and it just is part of who I am. The wonders of nature in the garden are by far too many to number. I often say how special it is for me to be in the garden with my children, the experiences that I am able to share with them is priceless. When they see their first woolly bear caterpillar, or pill bug or even better the first Praying Mantis, now that is a wonder for sure! The garden is a special place for so many things, so what about hosting a birthday party~ not just for an adult but also a child. Here are some 'Child' Friendly Garden Birthday Party idea's & tips...
*Help your child make home made garden themed Invitations. How about a standard 4 x 5 1/2 piece of card stock. Pick up those wonderful 10 for $1 seed packs and put the seed pack on the front for the 'picture'.
*The Menu! Let your child have fun! Depending on the age of the child let them help create the menu! A very cute 'Sandwich' idea is to start with sub buns for your sandwich. Cut each section about 4" and make as you want. Set the sandwiches up down the center of the table in a wiggly way to look like a caterpillar. Even cuter, put chocholate cookie crumbs under it to make it appear as though it is crawling through the dirt~ too cute! You can use any color licorice to lay on the table slightly under the sections to represent the 'many' legs; using toothpicks, put round gummies or black olives for two eyes. Two stick pretzels can be the antenna's; use any other soft candies on toothpicks to poke along the tops of the sandwiches to represent 'polka-dot' backs. The ideas are endless, use your imagination.
*Watermelons aren't just yummy, they can be beautiful centerpieces as well. Most of us have seen how melons can be cut to represent a handled basket, hollowed out and then filled with a beautiful & delicious fruit salad. The long oval shaped melons work best.
*Punch is the funnest drink for a party! Try making 'real' lemonade! It is very simple- use 3 parts water to 1 part lemon juice, add 1 cup of sugar for every 4 cups of liquid! Cut lemon's & limes in slices and let them swirl around to make it extra special. If you have a 'color' theme to your party, add a few drops of food coloring to make your lemonade your color! You can use any large container to hold your punch! Use jelly jars for your glasses with umbrella straws!
*Of course the Cake, or how about Cupcakes! How much more fun, then these can actually turn into a Game! Have a cupcake decorating activity! Let each guest decorate their own cupcakes- so much more special!
*Party Games~ how about 'Pin the Bumblebee on the Daisy', play a game of bingo with flower pictures~ use small rubber stamps or stickers that would fit on a 1" square and use for your Bingo instead of letters! How about a Scavenger hunt looking for all Garden stuff!
*Posy Pots! here is a great favor! Here is what you will need!
Organic Potting mix, 1 Quart Zip Lock baggies, Sunflower or Marigold seeds, pretty card stock , tulle, raffia, and a small clay pot. Fill the baggie with enough potting mix to fill the pot then place filled bag inside the pot. Take the card stock and make a small packet to put 2-3 seeds in, seal. Place seed packet on top of dirt bag in pot. Gather tulle around the outside of the pot, and tie with raffia. Cut out a 4" x 4" piece of card stock for a gift tag and using a rubber stamp or sticker of the type of flower seed you chose, place it on the square, punch a hole in the corner, write planting instructions on back and attach to raffia bow. Such fun for everyone!
Many people often wonder what they can do with Round Stead other than stew meat, here is a great way to make a typically tough piece of meat great!
Pepper Steak
2 lbs. beef round steak sliced into 1/2 inch strips from Garden Gate
2 Tbsp. Olive Oil
2 garlic gloves, pressed and divided
2 green pepper, cut into thin strips
1 large Portabello mushroom
2 medium onions coarsely chopped from Garden Gate
2 tsp Seasoning Salt
1 cup beef broth
1/4 tsp to 1/2 tsp curry powder
Chicken broth as needed
1. In a skillet over medium heat, brown steak strips with oil and half the garlic.
2. Add peppers and onions; cook until tender. Stir in mushrooms, Matt's Mix and remaining garlic. Stir in beef broth. Reduce heat to low an simmer for 30 minutes.
3. Sprinkle with curry powder and continue simmering one hour.
4. Add chicken broth as needed to prevent sticking and over browning.
Happy Day,
*Help your child make home made garden themed Invitations. How about a standard 4 x 5 1/2 piece of card stock. Pick up those wonderful 10 for $1 seed packs and put the seed pack on the front for the 'picture'.
*The Menu! Let your child have fun! Depending on the age of the child let them help create the menu! A very cute 'Sandwich' idea is to start with sub buns for your sandwich. Cut each section about 4" and make as you want. Set the sandwiches up down the center of the table in a wiggly way to look like a caterpillar. Even cuter, put chocholate cookie crumbs under it to make it appear as though it is crawling through the dirt~ too cute! You can use any color licorice to lay on the table slightly under the sections to represent the 'many' legs; using toothpicks, put round gummies or black olives for two eyes. Two stick pretzels can be the antenna's; use any other soft candies on toothpicks to poke along the tops of the sandwiches to represent 'polka-dot' backs. The ideas are endless, use your imagination.
*Watermelons aren't just yummy, they can be beautiful centerpieces as well. Most of us have seen how melons can be cut to represent a handled basket, hollowed out and then filled with a beautiful & delicious fruit salad. The long oval shaped melons work best.
*Punch is the funnest drink for a party! Try making 'real' lemonade! It is very simple- use 3 parts water to 1 part lemon juice, add 1 cup of sugar for every 4 cups of liquid! Cut lemon's & limes in slices and let them swirl around to make it extra special. If you have a 'color' theme to your party, add a few drops of food coloring to make your lemonade your color! You can use any large container to hold your punch! Use jelly jars for your glasses with umbrella straws!
*Of course the Cake, or how about Cupcakes! How much more fun, then these can actually turn into a Game! Have a cupcake decorating activity! Let each guest decorate their own cupcakes- so much more special!
*Party Games~ how about 'Pin the Bumblebee on the Daisy', play a game of bingo with flower pictures~ use small rubber stamps or stickers that would fit on a 1" square and use for your Bingo instead of letters! How about a Scavenger hunt looking for all Garden stuff!
*Posy Pots! here is a great favor! Here is what you will need!
Organic Potting mix, 1 Quart Zip Lock baggies, Sunflower or Marigold seeds, pretty card stock , tulle, raffia, and a small clay pot. Fill the baggie with enough potting mix to fill the pot then place filled bag inside the pot. Take the card stock and make a small packet to put 2-3 seeds in, seal. Place seed packet on top of dirt bag in pot. Gather tulle around the outside of the pot, and tie with raffia. Cut out a 4" x 4" piece of card stock for a gift tag and using a rubber stamp or sticker of the type of flower seed you chose, place it on the square, punch a hole in the corner, write planting instructions on back and attach to raffia bow. Such fun for everyone!
Many people often wonder what they can do with Round Stead other than stew meat, here is a great way to make a typically tough piece of meat great!
Pepper Steak
2 lbs. beef round steak sliced into 1/2 inch strips from Garden Gate
2 Tbsp. Olive Oil
2 garlic gloves, pressed and divided
2 green pepper, cut into thin strips
1 large Portabello mushroom
2 medium onions coarsely chopped from Garden Gate
2 tsp Seasoning Salt
1 cup beef broth
1/4 tsp to 1/2 tsp curry powder
Chicken broth as needed
1. In a skillet over medium heat, brown steak strips with oil and half the garlic.
2. Add peppers and onions; cook until tender. Stir in mushrooms, Matt's Mix and remaining garlic. Stir in beef broth. Reduce heat to low an simmer for 30 minutes.
3. Sprinkle with curry powder and continue simmering one hour.
4. Add chicken broth as needed to prevent sticking and over browning.
Happy Day,
Monday, April 2, 2012
Starting Seeds, Easy Liquid Fertilizer, Deterring naughty critters from gardens, flower beds & keeping good ones-
Starting Seeds in doors is very easy and extremely rewarding! All you need is a few everyday household items~
*If you buy organic baby lettuce, greens or spinach than you will have access to those handy clear plastic containers with lids. These are perfect for seed starting. Be sure to poke several drainage holes on the bottom of the container.
*Fill your container about 2/3 way full with a good organic potting mix. Plant your seeds as package describes. Be sure to follow planting dates on packet. Water accordingly.
*Put the lid on, which will give a greenhouse effect. You will not have to water due to the condensation that will be created.
*Put in a sunny window and wait until seeds start to sprout- see seed packet instructions.
*Once the seeds start to germinate, remove lid and water according to packet instructions.
Another easy but more extravagant way is to set your flats on a table and hang lights on 's' hooks with light chains from the ceiling in a warm basement or other room. The lights must be no more than 3 to 6 inches from the top of the flat (or the plants once they start growing), so be sure to make your light set up adjustable. Plain old florescent shop lights work best for starting seeds, or you can even purchase 'grow lights' from greenhouse supply companies or seed catalogs.
*You can go to any big box retailer and purchase really slick 'seed starting' kits. Follow instructions on kit.... and enjoy!
Transplant outdoors following packet instructions.
Easy fertilizer~ to give your house plants an extra boost, add 1 teaspoon of Epsom salt and 1 teaspoon of fish emulsion plant fertilizer to 1/2 gallon of water, then stand back and watch'er grow! Extra fertilizer water can be stored at room temperature for up to 3 months.
Humane Critter Deterrent~ I know we all have a pet that we love & cherish, but we also have flower beds we work very hard to keep beautiful and when that pet trompples the new shoots of that cherished peony or knocks down the Heirloom tomato plant loaded with green tomatoes, things can get a bit frustrating. So here are a few 'humane' ways to deter our beloved cats & dogs from our beloved gardens. This will also deter rabbits, squirrels and ground hogs- not so beloved.
~Sprinkle a mixture of 3 parts Cayenne Pepper and 1 part ground Citrus peelings. Sprinkle liberally around perimeters of beds and directly around specific areas that you want to keep Fido & Kitty out of. Reapply weekly or after the surface soil dries after a rain.~
You want Toads! They eat literally thousands of insects a week and they are the best friend of any organic gardener! If you have a pond- (no fish they eat toad eggs) or an area you don't mind un-mowed and natural; there is no need to throw away broken clay pots, these make lovely toad houses and look too cute hidden among flowers. These are all perfect toad hiding places. Toads have enormous appetites and faithfully feed on grasshoppers, cutworms, slugs, flies and most of the bad bugs that drive all of us gardeners crazy. It is crucial you use NO pesticides as they are easily absorbed through the toad's skin. Be sure to educate your children on good toad behavior- no smooshing!
Try some yummy muffins for breakfast or snack, these are a winner!
Peanut Butter Muffins
1 cup Whole Wheat flour from Garden Gate 1/3 cup Applesauce
1 cup Oatmeal 1 1/2 cups milk
1 Tbsp. baking soda 1/4 cup honey
1/2 tsp. salt
1/4 cup Creamy Peanut Butter
1. Whisk together flour, oats, baking soda and salt. Add peanut butter and applesauce; beat with an electric mixer on low speed until smooth.
2. Stir in milk and honey.
3. Spoon batter into paper lined or greased muffin cups, filling about 2/3 full.
4. Bake at 350 degrees for 12 to 15 minutes, until a toothpick comes out clean from center.
Cool in pan for about 5 minutes; transfer to a wire rack to finish cooling.
makes about 1 1/2 dozen.
Happy day,
*If you buy organic baby lettuce, greens or spinach than you will have access to those handy clear plastic containers with lids. These are perfect for seed starting. Be sure to poke several drainage holes on the bottom of the container.
*Fill your container about 2/3 way full with a good organic potting mix. Plant your seeds as package describes. Be sure to follow planting dates on packet. Water accordingly.
*Put the lid on, which will give a greenhouse effect. You will not have to water due to the condensation that will be created.
*Put in a sunny window and wait until seeds start to sprout- see seed packet instructions.
*Once the seeds start to germinate, remove lid and water according to packet instructions.
Another easy but more extravagant way is to set your flats on a table and hang lights on 's' hooks with light chains from the ceiling in a warm basement or other room. The lights must be no more than 3 to 6 inches from the top of the flat (or the plants once they start growing), so be sure to make your light set up adjustable. Plain old florescent shop lights work best for starting seeds, or you can even purchase 'grow lights' from greenhouse supply companies or seed catalogs.
*You can go to any big box retailer and purchase really slick 'seed starting' kits. Follow instructions on kit.... and enjoy!
Transplant outdoors following packet instructions.
Easy fertilizer~ to give your house plants an extra boost, add 1 teaspoon of Epsom salt and 1 teaspoon of fish emulsion plant fertilizer to 1/2 gallon of water, then stand back and watch'er grow! Extra fertilizer water can be stored at room temperature for up to 3 months.
Humane Critter Deterrent~ I know we all have a pet that we love & cherish, but we also have flower beds we work very hard to keep beautiful and when that pet trompples the new shoots of that cherished peony or knocks down the Heirloom tomato plant loaded with green tomatoes, things can get a bit frustrating. So here are a few 'humane' ways to deter our beloved cats & dogs from our beloved gardens. This will also deter rabbits, squirrels and ground hogs- not so beloved.
~Sprinkle a mixture of 3 parts Cayenne Pepper and 1 part ground Citrus peelings. Sprinkle liberally around perimeters of beds and directly around specific areas that you want to keep Fido & Kitty out of. Reapply weekly or after the surface soil dries after a rain.~
You want Toads! They eat literally thousands of insects a week and they are the best friend of any organic gardener! If you have a pond- (no fish they eat toad eggs) or an area you don't mind un-mowed and natural; there is no need to throw away broken clay pots, these make lovely toad houses and look too cute hidden among flowers. These are all perfect toad hiding places. Toads have enormous appetites and faithfully feed on grasshoppers, cutworms, slugs, flies and most of the bad bugs that drive all of us gardeners crazy. It is crucial you use NO pesticides as they are easily absorbed through the toad's skin. Be sure to educate your children on good toad behavior- no smooshing!
"Forellenschullus" Heirloom Lettuce Seedlings in our greenhouse. |
Try some yummy muffins for breakfast or snack, these are a winner!
Peanut Butter Muffins
1 cup Whole Wheat flour from Garden Gate 1/3 cup Applesauce
1 cup Oatmeal 1 1/2 cups milk
1 Tbsp. baking soda 1/4 cup honey
1/2 tsp. salt
1/4 cup Creamy Peanut Butter
1. Whisk together flour, oats, baking soda and salt. Add peanut butter and applesauce; beat with an electric mixer on low speed until smooth.
2. Stir in milk and honey.
3. Spoon batter into paper lined or greased muffin cups, filling about 2/3 full.
4. Bake at 350 degrees for 12 to 15 minutes, until a toothpick comes out clean from center.
Cool in pan for about 5 minutes; transfer to a wire rack to finish cooling.
makes about 1 1/2 dozen.
Happy day,
Sunday, April 1, 2012
Gardening Gift Exchange, Lovely Luncheon and Parsley Bacon Sandwiches!
"He who plants a garden plants happiness." Old Chinese proverb.
Who doesn't love to get flowers, a special card or a 'just because' gift? I know it always brings a smile to my face, that's for sure. Here are a few novel ideas I have picked up along the way and have done myself. Have fun and remember there is no pressure in gardening, only smiles.
A Gardening Gift Exchange is a great way to start the Spring season off! Here's a few tips on how to host & organize one.
*Make your Invitations! This sounds harder than it is. If you don't have any idea books on scrap booking or card making try the library and they are sure to have several that you can borrow.
*Ask each of your guests to bring a small wrapped gift that is related to gardening.
*When your guests arrive have each one draw a numbered slip of paper (1 through however many guests you have invited) out of a clay planter that you have prepared ahead of time.
*Have each guest sit with the gift they brought. The guest who pulled number one chooses a gift from someone. The person who chose number two gets to choose another unopened gift OR take the one the previous person chose.
It keeps going until everyone has had a chance to choose a wrapped or opened gift. When the party is over, each guest will leave with a little gift... and a little inspiration for her own garden!
Of course no Party is complete without a tastefully done Luncheon, so here are some ideas on how to create a welcoming and cheerful event....
The Food~
*Try cutting softened butter into shapes using cookie cutters.
*Using a honey dew or cantaloupe melon, cut in half, hollow out and fill with your favorite ice cream. Make homemade ice cream- it is super easy!
*Deviled eggs look even yummier with fresh chives tied into bows and placed on top of them. Use the chive blossom's to set on the bow.
*For extra special dinner buns- combine in 1 stick melted butter your favorite herb such as rosemary or thyme. Dip the roll into butter mixture and bake.
*A special punch bowl will hold Raspberry Lemon tea with lemon, lime & orange peel spirals combined with ice cubes containing mock orange or orange blossoms.
*Of course mini sandwiches- see Parsley Bacon Canape below!
Set the Tables with something that will make them go 'ahhh'~
*Use pretty floral sheets or plain white that drape to the floor with quilts laid diagonally over for table clothes.
*Use 3 clay pots of the same size to hold forks, spoons and knives in. Tie a piece of raffia around the rim with a bow to make it even cutter.
*Use baskets lined with floral napkins to hold napkins & breads.
*Mason jars make the cutest drinking vessels, especially if they are blue! Not to mention flower vases and candle holders.
*A hodge podge of old plates & platters are a great way to serve your sandwiches, cheese & crackers & appetizers.
*Use an old galvanized wash tub filled to the top with ice and put bottled water, juice or pop in for guests.
*An old pickle crock thoroughly cleaned makes a spectacular punch bowl.
*Print the menu out on card stock and lay over each guests plate.
Parsley Bacon CanapeOf course use Garden Gates awesome bacon for this special treat...
1 cup fresh chopped Parsley from Garden Gate 1/4 tsp garlic powder 1 pound Garden Gate Bacon, fried, drained and crumbled 1/2 cup butter, softened
1/4 cup mayonnaise 1 loaf Old World Bread from Sunflour Bakehaus
1 tsp Worcestershire sauce
1. Combine chopped parsley, bacon, mayo & Worcestershire to spreading consistency.
2. Mix garlic powder into butter.
3. Roll the bread with a rolling pin slightly. Spread bread with garlic butter mixture. Spread parsley mixture over the butter.
4. Roll the slices up and wrap in waxed paper and twist ends. Freeze. to serve, unwrap and slice 5 per roll. Thaw.
Yields about 10 dozen.
Happy day,
Who doesn't love to get flowers, a special card or a 'just because' gift? I know it always brings a smile to my face, that's for sure. Here are a few novel ideas I have picked up along the way and have done myself. Have fun and remember there is no pressure in gardening, only smiles.
A Gardening Gift Exchange is a great way to start the Spring season off! Here's a few tips on how to host & organize one.
*Make your Invitations! This sounds harder than it is. If you don't have any idea books on scrap booking or card making try the library and they are sure to have several that you can borrow.
*Ask each of your guests to bring a small wrapped gift that is related to gardening.
*When your guests arrive have each one draw a numbered slip of paper (1 through however many guests you have invited) out of a clay planter that you have prepared ahead of time.
*Have each guest sit with the gift they brought. The guest who pulled number one chooses a gift from someone. The person who chose number two gets to choose another unopened gift OR take the one the previous person chose.
It keeps going until everyone has had a chance to choose a wrapped or opened gift. When the party is over, each guest will leave with a little gift... and a little inspiration for her own garden!
Of course no Party is complete without a tastefully done Luncheon, so here are some ideas on how to create a welcoming and cheerful event....
The Food~
*Try cutting softened butter into shapes using cookie cutters.
*Using a honey dew or cantaloupe melon, cut in half, hollow out and fill with your favorite ice cream. Make homemade ice cream- it is super easy!
*Deviled eggs look even yummier with fresh chives tied into bows and placed on top of them. Use the chive blossom's to set on the bow.
*For extra special dinner buns- combine in 1 stick melted butter your favorite herb such as rosemary or thyme. Dip the roll into butter mixture and bake.
*A special punch bowl will hold Raspberry Lemon tea with lemon, lime & orange peel spirals combined with ice cubes containing mock orange or orange blossoms.
*Of course mini sandwiches- see Parsley Bacon Canape below!
Set the Tables with something that will make them go 'ahhh'~
*Use pretty floral sheets or plain white that drape to the floor with quilts laid diagonally over for table clothes.
*Use 3 clay pots of the same size to hold forks, spoons and knives in. Tie a piece of raffia around the rim with a bow to make it even cutter.
*Use baskets lined with floral napkins to hold napkins & breads.
*Mason jars make the cutest drinking vessels, especially if they are blue! Not to mention flower vases and candle holders.
*A hodge podge of old plates & platters are a great way to serve your sandwiches, cheese & crackers & appetizers.
*Use an old galvanized wash tub filled to the top with ice and put bottled water, juice or pop in for guests.
*An old pickle crock thoroughly cleaned makes a spectacular punch bowl.
*Print the menu out on card stock and lay over each guests plate.
Parsley Bacon CanapeOf course use Garden Gates awesome bacon for this special treat...
1 cup fresh chopped Parsley from Garden Gate 1/4 tsp garlic powder 1 pound Garden Gate Bacon, fried, drained and crumbled 1/2 cup butter, softened
1/4 cup mayonnaise 1 loaf Old World Bread from Sunflour Bakehaus
1 tsp Worcestershire sauce
1. Combine chopped parsley, bacon, mayo & Worcestershire to spreading consistency.
2. Mix garlic powder into butter.
3. Roll the bread with a rolling pin slightly. Spread bread with garlic butter mixture. Spread parsley mixture over the butter.
4. Roll the slices up and wrap in waxed paper and twist ends. Freeze. to serve, unwrap and slice 5 per roll. Thaw.
Yields about 10 dozen.
Happy day,
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