Thursday, April 5, 2012

More Garden Theme's~ Shakespeare Garden's & more, Herbed Mushroom Omelets

"To own a bit of ground, to scratch it with a hoe, to plant seeds, and watch the renewal of life... this is the commonest delight of the race, the most satisfactory thing a man can do."  Charles Dudley Warner

Gardens are such a joy and can be an inspiration to others.  When one walks through a garden they should be welcomed by a warm, fuzzy feeling that grabs hold of them to the point of not wanting to leave.  Quiet, rest and peacefulness ought to be the theme of every garden, and it can be accomplished simply by making it a small reflection of who you are.   When your friends are there it should be a time of not just visiting, but sharing secrets of both joy and sadness; a place where memories are in the making.  A garden says so much about it's creator~ favorite plants, colors, garden style~ mine is all cottage!  My hope is that these writings will stimulate that new, hopeful gardener to dive into a new project or inspire the one that has it 'all' to do something new.  Gardening is meant to be a joy, so be joyful & garden!
As I mentioned in the previous entry I am going to discuss for a few days some different Garden Themes. 
Many people are moved by Shakespeare's writings and find his work quite fascinating. Some may have even heard of a Shakespeare Garden Theme.  This garden represents plants that have been mentioned in many of his writings.  As you will notice, many of the plants listed are herbs, and therefore an Herb Garden would be a great way to incorporate this into your yard!  Remember, as with all gardens consider your area, drainage, available sunlight or lack of, and the plants growing habits.  As always, I suggest drawing it out and planning before you start~ this always saves a lot of disappointment.

*Mustard          *Strawberry
*Parsley          *Calendula
*Bay                *Carnation
*Burnet            *Columbine
*Savory           *Flax 
*Thyme            *Pink Rose
*Marjoram       *Hyssop
*Lavender        *Johnny Jump Ups
*Lemon Balm   *Myrtle
*Chamomile      *Flax
*Rosemary      *Mint

A few other Garden Themes are....
*Friendship Garden~  This is one of my favorites, and it is so easy to get started!  First make a list of some of your best friends and think about their garden's and what they have to offer in the line of perennials.  After you decide on your garden location, size and have it prepared for planting, you can begin asking your friends for starts of the plants you want to 'remember' them by.  They will be so tickled that they mean that much to you, they will gladly give you a 'baby'.  But be careful, you may get a whole group ready to start 'Plant Swapping' and garden making~ now wouldn't that be terrible ;-) !
*Sittin' Garden~  This garden is for quiet times.  At our other home I had a special spot where I could look over the garden and watch the birds, bee's and just relax.  I took two tree stumps and a wooden slab board; I then laid the board across the two stumps for a very rustic bench. You can use whatever suits your fancy & taste for your quiet spot.  Take a cup of tea, coffee or cocoa and just enjoy the moment. 

Herbed Mushroom Omelets
Try this yummy treat with of course Garden Gates awesome eggs!

6 eggs beaten  from Garden Gate
1 Tbsp. fresh Parsley from Garden Gate
1/4 tsp. of each dried Oregano & Thyme

2 Tbsp. butter, divided
1 1/2 cup Portabello Mushrooms

1. Whisk together eggs & seasonings and set aside.
2. Melt 1/2 the butter in skillet over medium heat and add sliced mushrooms; saute until tender~ about 5-10 minutes. Remove from skillet, set aside.
3. Melt rest of butter in skillet over low heat; pour in half the egg mixture. Stir the eggs slightly, without scrambling. When almost cooked, spoon the mushrooms in and fold over. 

Happy Day,

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