"Gardening is a joy when one's time is managed to enjoy it!" Jean Smith.Plan a Sisters Day's, Helpful Garden Tips & a yummy Cucumber 'Herb Garden' Sandwich!Well it is finally Spring, I can hardly believe the calendar. I am so excited with this weather and all that we've got accomplished outdoors the last two weeks. I am getting ready to transplant some scallions, lettuces, chard and spinach seedlings into the raised beds; I am also going to get radishes and more greens seeded this week. For the next few weeks I will focus on giving some practical Garden Tips to help you get your growing season started~ and of course I will continue to give you loads of other fun ideas to do and lot's of yummy recipes! I hope you are all enjoying my blog as much as I am!
Tomorrow I am having a Sisters Day at my house. What is a Sisters Day you wonder~ well in brief it is when you and a group of friends or relatives decide to have a special day of being together & doing something you all enjoy . The ideas and group of people to include are both endless! Here are some Sisters Day themes as well as groups!
*Themes or activities can include but are certainly not limited to~ Card making, scrap booking, canning & preserving, dinner/meal swap, crafty day, sewing or quilting day. You can even just have your group over and let everyone do what they want. Tomorrow when all my 'sister's' come we are going to do yard work & finish cleaning up the rest of the flower beds, do some transplanting and one of my 'mother in the Lord' is coming to do the mending that I just cannot bear to do! The other one is too far away to be here, and my heart aches that she won't be with us. We will have one every month and each 'sister' whose turn it is gets to choose what we all do at her house. If you are thinking that seems pretty good, it gets better. They are all going to bring a dish to pass for lunch that we will all share and to top it off they will each bring in a dish for my families supper! Yeah, isn't that great?
*Groups you may be involved with: Obviously if you have sister's &/or cousins you are especially fond of :-) ~ and of course you can include your mom, mother & sister in laws, grandma & special aunts too. If there is a lively group in your work place that you enjoy spending time with have one with your co-workers. Do you belong to a M.O.P.'s, homeschooling, Brownies or Girl Scouts, Master Gardeners or any other group? I am sure you could think of several of the other group members you may have fun with!
Whatever theme or group of friends you decide on you will surely have a great time so let your imaginations soar!Helpful Garden Tips!
*If you are like me you just can't bear to wear gardening gloves. I love the way the dirt feels on my fingers and it's warmth is to good to pass up. Besides who can get a good hold on those nasty roots with gloves on. So before you go outside to work in the dirt, push your finger nails into a bar of soap. Then when you get back in just wash up and no dirt in the nails!
*If you have earwigs, place several sheets of rolled up newspaper secured with rubber bands where you are seeing infestations. Leave it there over night and then in the morning, simply pick up the rolled newspaper and put in a garbage bag, tie tightly. They love to hide in cool, dark & damp places.
*To control slugs and snails simply spread bran around the bases of the plants where you are noticing them. They do not like bran and this will be a natural way to be rid of the slimy suckers!
*I am a list maker! What I like to do is to walk around the yard and any other areas that I know there is work to be done and make a list of what needs to be done~ these work well for 'Honey-do' lists as well! Then you can visually look at each thing to do and as it gets accomplished you have the thrill of scratching that job off and it is one less thing to do! It also helps for folks like me who forget it as quickly as I think of it ;-) !
*Timing is everything! I for one have many gardens and they take time to work in and get the job done, especially in the spring when all the weeds are trying to take a strong hold before the perennials can get a fair chance! Spread your work out~ give yourself fifteen to thirty minutes in the morning and then again in the evening to work at weeding. This way you can easily stay on top of the work instead of trying to do the whole lot in a day once a week.
If you are fortunate enough to have a kitchen garden you can easily throw together these yummy & quick sandwiches for a little picnic, special luncheon or a leisurely lunch that is sure to become a family favorite!
Tomorrow I am having a Sisters Day at my house. What is a Sisters Day you wonder~ well in brief it is when you and a group of friends or relatives decide to have a special day of being together & doing something you all enjoy . The ideas and group of people to include are both endless! Here are some Sisters Day themes as well as groups!
*Themes or activities can include but are certainly not limited to~ Card making, scrap booking, canning & preserving, dinner/meal swap, crafty day, sewing or quilting day. You can even just have your group over and let everyone do what they want. Tomorrow when all my 'sister's' come we are going to do yard work & finish cleaning up the rest of the flower beds, do some transplanting and one of my 'mother in the Lord' is coming to do the mending that I just cannot bear to do! The other one is too far away to be here, and my heart aches that she won't be with us. We will have one every month and each 'sister' whose turn it is gets to choose what we all do at her house. If you are thinking that seems pretty good, it gets better. They are all going to bring a dish to pass for lunch that we will all share and to top it off they will each bring in a dish for my families supper! Yeah, isn't that great?
*Groups you may be involved with: Obviously if you have sister's &/or cousins you are especially fond of :-) ~ and of course you can include your mom, mother & sister in laws, grandma & special aunts too. If there is a lively group in your work place that you enjoy spending time with have one with your co-workers. Do you belong to a M.O.P.'s, homeschooling, Brownies or Girl Scouts, Master Gardeners or any other group? I am sure you could think of several of the other group members you may have fun with!
Whatever theme or group of friends you decide on you will surely have a great time so let your imaginations soar!Helpful Garden Tips!
*If you are like me you just can't bear to wear gardening gloves. I love the way the dirt feels on my fingers and it's warmth is to good to pass up. Besides who can get a good hold on those nasty roots with gloves on. So before you go outside to work in the dirt, push your finger nails into a bar of soap. Then when you get back in just wash up and no dirt in the nails!
*If you have earwigs, place several sheets of rolled up newspaper secured with rubber bands where you are seeing infestations. Leave it there over night and then in the morning, simply pick up the rolled newspaper and put in a garbage bag, tie tightly. They love to hide in cool, dark & damp places.
*To control slugs and snails simply spread bran around the bases of the plants where you are noticing them. They do not like bran and this will be a natural way to be rid of the slimy suckers!
*I am a list maker! What I like to do is to walk around the yard and any other areas that I know there is work to be done and make a list of what needs to be done~ these work well for 'Honey-do' lists as well! Then you can visually look at each thing to do and as it gets accomplished you have the thrill of scratching that job off and it is one less thing to do! It also helps for folks like me who forget it as quickly as I think of it ;-) !
*Timing is everything! I for one have many gardens and they take time to work in and get the job done, especially in the spring when all the weeds are trying to take a strong hold before the perennials can get a fair chance! Spread your work out~ give yourself fifteen to thirty minutes in the morning and then again in the evening to work at weeding. This way you can easily stay on top of the work instead of trying to do the whole lot in a day once a week.
If you are fortunate enough to have a kitchen garden you can easily throw together these yummy & quick sandwiches for a little picnic, special luncheon or a leisurely lunch that is sure to become a family favorite!

1- 8 oz. package of Cream Cheese, softened
2 tsp. mayonnaise
1/2 tsp. lemon juice
1/2 cup fresh* herbs, finely chopped such as: chives, thyme, parsley and basil
8 slices Old World bread, sliced
2 cucumbers, peeled and sliced thin
1. Combine first 4 ingredients and blend until thoroughly mixed.
2. Spread on bread; then layer cucumbers on bread about 2 slices thick. Close sandwiches and serve cool.
This is so refreshing on a hot summer day!
*To interchange dry herbs for fresh cut the amount to 1/4 cup scant~ but I recommend using fresh!
Happy Day,
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